Ultimate Goal

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Phase 1 - Day 6

Tonight was a tough one for me. Not too tough, but I really had to fight the justification voice shouting at me in my head. For those who are unaware, we have a potluck dinner at our house every Friday night before church. Anyway, lots of yummy food, but I stuck to the plan and only ate what was allowed. I didn't even take a small bite of a Krispy Kreme doughnut. Heck, I didn't even take a bite of fruit as it wasn't on the menu for me (but don't think Little Miss Justification (LMJ) was quiet about that one...she has reasons galore for why we could justify eating fruit LOL)! I cut it up and put it away and I'll be able to enjoy some tomorrow when I've alotted for it. Speaking of tomorrow...my last day on Phase 1 (well, this round anyway)! Yep, it is also Valentine's Day. Fortunately, my HHT is super supportive and has looked over the menu of wherever he's taking me and believes appropriate food can be chosen. LMJ was screaming that we've been so good, haven't budged from the plan at all, we deserve a night off. Now, she's not completely wrong, but as with most justifications, she's not completely right, either. Not knowing where we're going and not being able to do extensive nutritional research on the restaurant, I'm pretty sure I may go over on calories tomorrow, but I don't have to blow it. I will definitely go with veggies and salads instead of fries or mashed potatoes. I will portion my meat. I will make good choices and allow myself the freedom to do so without worrying if I'm going over my calorie limit. Now, I'm off to get my beauty sleep! :o) Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

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