Ultimate Goal

spark quotes

Monday, November 17, 2008


Well, not blah as in not fun, but it seems to me that I undo all the hard work that I put in during the week. I suppose though that as long as I'm less each week, that I'm heading in the right direction. My goal this week is to not go crazy next weekend. I am going out on a date on Saturday, but I WILL make right food choices then and the rest of the weekend. It can be done and I'm the one to do it! :o) Not much else going on. Getting ready for Thanksgiving and even more exciting, there's less than 2 months till Lord of the Rings Day!!! :o) Oh, I did go clothes shopping this weekend...I needed a new dress for HHT's company Christmas dinner. Took B and tried on a bunch of dresses. Found one that I liked, but then it required all new undergarments. I cannot stress this enough...I DETEST shopping for things like this. I don't know how women get dressed up in all that binding stuff all the time. I don't even like that I now know what Spanx is...let alone own something! I can deal with it once a year, but I wouldn't enjoy it every day. I guess I'll never be a made up lady. Oh well, the outfit met with HHT's approval although of course he was concerned that I'll be too cold. I'm just ever so thankful that he considers me his flower child (even though I was born much too late to have this actually applied) and that he prefers the more natural look. :o) Here's to a great week! Do something healthy and fun!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Biggest Loser challenge Day 3

Having a hard time getting going today! But, other than being sleepy (which is nothing new for me LOL), I feel pretty good. Lost another pound from yesterday. I managed to get in all my water yesterday and make good food choices. Only 27 more days to go! :o) My plans for today are simple...laundry, read my book, maybe take a nap later if I am really sleepy. I also plan on doing some form of exercise, either stretching or dancing with S.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Biggest Loser challenge Day 2

Well, day 1 came and went yesterday. I had scale shock when I stepped on it and it said 237.2! Well, not for long! And in fact it was at 235.6 this morning so I'm off to a good start! It was a little difficult eating right, not because I was craving anything I shouldn't have, but because I was running around and wasn't home to have my meals at the right time. But I made do and then we went out last night to see The Jacob Merlin Band (google them, take a listen and enjoy. They rock!!!!). I made good carb choices and still ate some really yummy food. And believe it or not at the age of 32, this was my first time of going to a pub to see a live band and dance (only danced a couple times, but it was fun!). I really enjoyed people watching and it never fails to amaze me that when you add the factor of alcohol, just how friendly people can get. LOL Really great time, made new friends and stayed out probably later than was good for me. Today is a little tamer. Plan on watching a movie or 2, pick up the house a little and just vegging at home. Here's to another good day!