Ultimate Goal

spark quotes

Friday, October 9, 2009

So excited!

For those who don't me, I'm a numbers kind of girl. I love looking for patterns in numbers and my love of numbers is also what prompted me to have 1/1/11 as a target to reach my goal. Numbers are just cool! Anyway, yesterday (or the day before, now I can't remember LOL) I sat down and charted out how many rounds of 6 weeks I could fit in before 1/1/11 so I could calculate what my goal weight should be at the end of each round to hit my goal by 1/1/11. I mean if you don't set mini goals, you can't achieve them, right? Well, wouldn't you know it, Round 12 ends on 1/1/11! How cool is that?!?! 12 rounds of 6 weeks each. That just doesn't sound like a lot and I'm already in round 2! Not only am I in round 2, but I still have about 4 weeks of this round to go and I already weigh less than my goal for the end of this round. Super sweet! It's always nice to have a head start! LOL So, now the trick is to not fall back into my old pattern of telling myself that I can have that extra food because I'll have time to still reach the mini-goal. I MUST stay on track and keep my momentum going.

That was a lot of rambling. But, it really helped me by bringing a happystance especially as I have been gloomy and feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope with anything (gracefully, anyway) for a couple of weeks (ask the kids. I think they're waiting for my head to spin or something). It's a typical occurrence that happens once or twice a year where I just get into a funk. But I can feel myself coming out of the fogginess which has been my mind lately. It's the feeling of noticing that the world outside of yourself does exist and not only is it there, but it's colorful and pretty, too, so you don't really have to hide from it or reality anymore. Have that feeling? Maybe it's just me. :o)

So, time to pull up my big girl panties and deal, I've got work to do! :o)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Phase 2 Day 4 Round 2 (P2D4R2)

Been a while since I've posted. I bet you all thought I'd fallen off the wagon again...not so! I completed the 1st 6 weeks with feeling better and totally thinking that I can keep this up! Round 2's phase 1 was not nearly as hard as round 1, but it was still difficult. I don't like feeling hungry! I'm into phase 2 now and have about 3 more weeks of it. I hope to lose another 4.2lbs by November 1st to be on track to my 150 goal on 1/1/11. I think I can do it!!! :o)