Ultimate Goal

spark quotes

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Day 4 - down 4.6lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart

(You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp )

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 272.2lbs
Gain/loss: -4.6lbs

Wow, you know the saying "dance like no one is watching"? Everyone should try it! My workout today was so relaxing and energizing. I danced to some of my favorite songs (I made a playlist on iTunes that lasted 30 minutes) and it was so liberating to just move uninhibited. Of course Selah joined me and got her workout, too. Another good day. I missed my afternoon snack...I wasn't hungry and didn't think about it until close to dinner when I was starving. I didn't succumb to temptation and just waited for dinner, but I won't be forgetting that afternoon snack again if I can help it! At least for now I'm only going to keep track of carbs as that's what my focus is. Should I hit a plateau or something else happens, I'll reevaluate my charting.

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. LOST - a really great escape
2. HHT - he puts up with me watching LOST and even tries to occasionally understand
3. great selection of music in the world
4. Selah's naptime - it's so peaceful and quiet
5. warm showers and that squeaky clean feeling

5 things I did right:
1. didn't give in to eat something I shouldn't after I forgot my afternoon snack
2. went to bed at the right time
3. woke up on time - early even
4. prepared a healthy and yummy dinner
5. read books to Selah

Food intake:

1/2 cup mixed berries - 6 carb
1/2 cup 2% milk - 6.5 carb

Morning Snack:

protein shake - FREE

6oz chicken leg
snow peas - FREE

Afternoon snack:

4oz pork
FREE salad (lettuce, cucumbers, onions)
2 TBSP Litehouse ranch - 2 carb
2oz cheddar cheese

Evening snack:
2oz cheddar cheese

14.5 carb

Did I move any today?
yes - I danced to some of my favorite songs for 25 minutes and then stretched for 5 minutes.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Day 3 - down 3.4lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart
(You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp )

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 273.4lbs
Gain/loss: -3.4lbs

Today was a good day! The cravings and withdrawal symptoms were for the most part gone today. I treated myself to sleeping in as it was a no school day. I planned the movie we're going to see on Saturday as for every 5lbs lost, HHT has to take me to a movie of my choice. And I am pretty sure that by Saturday I will have lost at least 5lbs. So, Atonement is the first movie of my choice. For every 10% lost he treats me to a weekend away and when I hit the 80lb marked it's another week away. The kids and I also got the house cleaned up so that also helps me to feel better. Now I can do something I want to do tomorrow like more crocheting.

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. helpful kids - they really worked hard and did a great job
2. Steven surprising me by coming home for lunch
3. The ability to sleep in
4. A new vacuum - Thanks Aunt Monica...it really sucks! LOL
5. A clean house - I feel so much calmer

5 things I did right:
1. followed my eating plan
2. worked out again this morning instead of talking myself out of it
3. got the house cleaned up
4. made dinner on time
5. been dressed to the shoes all day

Food intake:
2 eggs - 140 cal, 2 carb, 12 pro
2 sausage links - 180 cal, 1.5 carb, 4 pro

Morning Snack:
protein shake - FREE

4oz chicken leg - 260 cal, 0 carb, 28 pro
2/3 cup Snow peas - FREE

Afternoon snack:
1 carrot - 35 cal, 8 carb, 1 pro
1/2 cup 2% milk - 65 cal, 6.5 carb, 4 pro

2 cheeseburger patties - 602 cal, 0 carb, 40 pro
pepper stirfry veggies - FREE

Evening snack:
2 oz cheddar cheese - 220 cal, 0 carb, 14 pro

1502 cal
18 carb
103 pro

Did I move any today?
yes - Curves circuit

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Day 2 - down 1.6lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart

(You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp )

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 275.2lbs
Gain/loss: -1.6lbs

What happened today?
Not much today so far (it's 4:35pm), but I have thought about changing the format of at least part of this blog. I think I'll leave the food/movement section, but change this journal portion as it seems a little restrictive to my writing style. I'm going through withdrawals again today and right now all I really want to do is crawl into bed and go to sleep. I'm actually wearing a sweatshirt and socks and shoes (those who see me all of the time will know that this is very unusual!) to keep me warm. I tried to do my 30 minutes of aerobics, but ended up with a killer side ache after about 15 minutes, so I may try to do another 15 minutes later tonight and if I do, I'll let you know.

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. Sitcoms - I was feeling pretty down and blah, but watching According to Jim and Carpoolers and getting to laugh out loud really helped.
2. Wacky weather - I love the rain, sunny, snowy days...you never know what the clouds will bring next!
3. HHT - still love him. He's been very helpful and encouraging and understanding
4. Family and friends - all of the encouraging notes everyone has sent has been wonderful!
5. A good book - still reading Lord of the Rings again, a nice escape :o)

5 things I did right:
1. followed my eating plan to the letter
2. went to bed at the right time
3. cooked dinner so it was ready at the right time
4. kept my grumpiness in check with the kids
5. made my food for tomorrow

Food intake:

2 eggs - 140 cal, 2 carb, 12 pro
2 sausage links - 180 cal, 1.5 carb, 4 pro

Morning Snack:
1 carrot - 35 cal, 8 carb, 1 pro
1/2 cup 2% milk - 65 cal, 6.5 carb, 4 pro

4 oz beef brisket - 240 cal, 0 carb, 36 pro
Salad (lettuce, scant tomato, cucumber) FREE
2 TBSP Litehouse Ranch - 120 cal, 2 carb, 0 pro
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese - 100 cal, 1 carb, 9 pro

Afternoon snack:
protein shake - 220 cal, 4 carb, 46 protein FREE

4oz chicken leg - 260 cal, 0 carb, 28 pro
2/3 cup Snow peas - 63 cal, 10.5 carb, 4.5 pro FREE

Evening snack:
2 oz cheddar cheese - 220 cal, 0 carb, 14 pro

1643 cal
35.5 - 14.5 = 21 carbs
158.5 pro

Did I move any today?
Yes, but not the full 30 minutes of aerobics on the docket. I was able to do 15 minutes.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Day 1

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart
(You can find this chart and other useful info at:
http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp )

Today’s Scale Reading: 276.8lbs
Gain/loss: 0lbs

What happened today?
I had to get back into the swing of things after a wonderful week of vacation. To top it off, it ended up being a snow day, so I've been going through carb withdrawals while the kids are all under foot.

How did I feel about it?
Well, right now I feel hungry and very, very cold. A little tired, but not as bad as in the past mostly because I think I've kept my water intake up. I do feel cranky so everyone watch out! I also feel optimistic, though. It really worked out having all my food prepared the night before because I can tell you that if I had had to choose what to eat for my meals today, I would have gone straight for the yummy, junky stuff! It was wonderful to just heat up my meals and eat without having to think about it.

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. A supportive HHT who is willing to see me through this journey and help in any way he can.
2. A sis-in-law who rocks! I will never be able to thank her enough for keeping the kids while we were on vacation for a week!
3. Kids who enjoy giving hugs
4. Tupperwear - makes it easy to prepackage food
5. A healthy body - I'm able to workout and get into shape

5 things I did right:
1. I woke up and got dressed, ready to face my day
2. I ate when and what I was supposed to
3. I did laundry and dishes and didn't procrastinate
4. I made my bed
5. I chose to workout early and didn't talk myself out of it even though I was going by myself

Food intake:
2 eggs - 140 cal, 2 carb, 12 pro
2 sausage links - 180 cal, 1.5 carb, 4 pro

Morning Snack:
1 carrot - 35 cal, 8 carb, 1 pro
1/2 cup 2% milk - 65 cal, 6.5 carb, 4 pro

Chicken (1 leg, 2 wings) - 310 cal, 0 carb, 32 pro
1 cup snow peas - 40 cal, 5 carb, 2 pro FREE
1 cup broccoli - 31 cal, 6 carb, 3 pro FREE
2 TBSP Litehouse Ranch - 120 cal, 2 carb, 0 pro

Afternoon snack:
protein shake - 220 cal, 4 carb, 46 protein FREE

4 oz beef brisket - 240 cal, 0 carb, 36 pro
Salad (lettuce, scant tomato, cucumber) FREE
2 TBSP Litehouse Ranch - 120 cal, 2 carb, 0 pro
2 oz cheddar cheese - 220 cal, 0 carb, 14 pro

Evening snack:
2 oz cheddar cheese - 220 cal, 0 carb, 14 pro

1941 cal
37 - 15 = 22 carbs (carbs in FREE foods don't count)
168 pro

Did I move any today?
yes - Curves workout which is roughly 15 minutes weight lifting, 15 minutes aerobic and 10 minutes stretching

Friday, January 25, 2008

The tools for my journey

Besides my HHT, the tools I'll be using for 80 in 08 are Flylady's Body Clutter book and chart and the Curves workout and eating plan. My daily posts will follow flylady's body clutter chart with 2 added questions of my own: 5 things I'm grateful for and 5 things I did good. I don't want to fail and focus on where I didn't do so well, so I'm going to put my focus on what I do right. You can find the Body Clutter info at http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp and that link will appear on all my chart posts. I've been attending Curves now since March of 07 and while due to my eating habits not changing, I haven't lost weight, I have lost inches and become stronger. I really feel the eating plan found in the Curves book and the continuation of working out at Curves will be my best chance for success. Alright, talk to you all again on Monday!

New Beginnings

Ok, my HHT (hot hubby trainer) would like me to blog on a more accessible blog place so that everyone and not just my myspace pals can read this journal. Here is a reposting of the 1st blog I did on myspace. The rest of the journey will be continued here starting on Monday, January 28, 2008. The pic is of us on vacation!


Well, I've done it. I've put myself into the hands of the healthiest person I know who now has permission to "boss" me (he'd say help me out) into a healthier me. The official start date of the "plan" is January 28th, but I do know pieces of it and part of it is a daily blog (for accountability) to journal my food intake, feelings, etc., so I decided to get started. It won't be daily, yet, but once I hit post I'm committed. LOL

The name of the "plan" is 80 in '08. Isn't he catchy? That's our goal for me. 80lbs lost in '08. Sounds daunting, but it's only a little more than 7lbs a month.

The rest of 80 in '08 will be hammered out on our couple vacation. We haven't been away together for any length of time since 2004 so HUGE kudos go to my stupendous sis-in-law, Monica, for volunteering to stay with the kiddos.

Well, that's it for now. I hope everyone else has had a wonderful start to the new year!