Ultimate Goal

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Friday, November 13, 2009

I've lost 60lbs!!!!

Wow, when it's said like that it seems like a lot. It's been such a gradual process that I've had a chance to get used to my body at the various stages of weight loss. So I don't really "see" much of a difference when I look at myself in the mirror. I'm going to dig out old photos of myself so I can compare and then I'll have a better idea visually of how far I've come. But there are definitely things I've noticed. I can sit in the car and drive without my belly rubbing on the steering wheel. I can wipe my bum with ease...I know a TMI moment I'm sure, but when you have difficulty doing it, it's a joy to be able to get-r-done without becoming a contortionist. :o) I was recently at an amusement park and could ride all the rides without fear I was going to be turned away for being too fat or fear that my weight would send the ride hurdling through space killing us all (yes, those thoughts have crossed my mind). I can touch my toes...heck I can even see them! And I know I'm stronger, just ask my poor hubby who I demonstrated my new found strength on. He's now calling me Pris (reference to Blade Runner so you'll just have to watch it to find out why.) In my defense, it was not his neck I was trying to break, it was his leg. And I wasn't really trying to break it although he claimed that I could have. LOL Anyway, there are a lot of little things I can pick out to see my progress. It's cool. And while I could have lost the weight faster I'm sure, I'm glad I have done (and continue to do) the slow and steady way. I believe for me it will be much easier to keep it off as I'm making lifestyle changes that have become habit.

I'm on day 6 of my 3rd 6 week cycle and am already only 1.8lbs from where I need to be by the end of 6 weeks. Piece of cake. Plan on being ahead of my goal again. I really feel like I can keep this up! It's a great feeling!