Ultimate Goal

spark quotes

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Well, my back is feeling MUCH better, but I'm still babying it as I want it to stay better. I'm thinking if it still feels this good, I'll do a light workout on Saturday. In the meantime, life is sufficient enough to keep me hopping. With HHT working 3 nights (at least) this week, school pictures, homework and springing the cat from "jail" I've been quite busy. Yes, B's cat had gone missing. We all swore the last time we'd seen Ace was on Sunday. It's not like him to be gone for a whole day. So I posted an ad on craislist (gotta love craigslist!) with a couple of pics. In about an hour I had a phone call from the humane society saying that after seeing the pics on craigslist, they really thought they had him down there. I load up S and we have a field trip to the humane society. Sure enough, that's where he was. $56.50 later (yes, I did pay to spring the cat out of kitty "jail") he was in the carrier and headed home. He had been there since Saturday...poor kitty. I'm not sure why we all thought we'd seen him on Sunday, we must have had a collective "blonde" moment. He's now licensed and B is deciding whether or not to pay to have him microchipped. I better cut this short so I can feed the kiddos. I really miss my HHT!!!!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Slowly getting better

Well, I saw the chiroprator yesterday and I'm slowly on the mend. Yesterday after my adjustment, my back was angry. LOL I was in a lot of discomfort, but after I slept and woke up, it's a lot better today. Still tender, but a lot more range of motion. I'm still not working out, no sense in really doing some damage. So not much to report. Hanging in there...it could be a LOT worse! LOL

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Ok, my back isn't any better and I'm choosing to not workout today to give it a chance to heal. No sense risking a bigger injury! No reason why I can't continue to eat healthy, though. :o)

I've been struggling with the eating healthy, though, as well. Because of the annoyance of my back and being hormonal and feeling overwhelmed (probably due to the hormones), I don't want to have to think about what to eat and what not to eat. I need to refocus on my goal reward of getting another week long vacation to the beach with HHT. Which is another issue I'm dealing with. I was spoiled with his position in the company where he had flexible time and also his being on vacation a couple of times. Now with his new responsibilities, he's at work more and so I really, really miss him. Even more reason to reach my goal...for some more vacation time! LOL

Ok, I have to get going and slowly get some things done around the house. I did accomplish getting my room clean which took all of Monday...maybe that started the back going downhill. I'm pretty sure housework causes injury all of the time...that's why I avoid it as much as I can. :o)

Have a Terrific Thursday!!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New personal best!

The ticker above shows how much I still have to lose to reach my goal of 80lbs in 08.

I worked out this morning and hit a new personal caloric best of 586 calories burned! Now, I don't know how accurate that may be, I mostly use it as a tool to measure if I'm getting better or not. It was very exciting! And I lost 2.2lbs from yesterday...also exciting! Today will be easier than yesterday, I just know it!

I will be taking it easier for the rest of the day as I can feel that my back is one tweek away from going out. You know the feeling. I can't afford an injury right as I'm getting back into the swing of things, so I'm going to be very careful!

Hope everyone else's day goes great! Achieve something you've been putting off!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Back on the wagon...again

Hi all! Did you miss me? I've started this post several times in my head and they were all very well put and eloquent...but of course all those thoughts ran through my head after I went to bed and well...I never end up remembering all the words I said in my half sleep. :o)

I have had an extended holiday from following my eating plan. Could I have done better? Yes. Do I feel all torn up that I didn't do better? No. This is a journey, I'm in it for the long haul and I have no illusions that I'm not going to have speed bumps along the way. The biggest lesson I've learned is that I don't have to be perfect and a speed bump doesn't have to completely side line me. I just go slower over the bump and get back up to speed on the other side. So, I'm on the other side and getting back up to speed with phase one...again. :o) Was it easy to go back? NO!!! By dinner I was so hungry I could have ripped someone's head off. Don't worry, all family members are present and accounted for...even their heads.

One thing I did right through my extended trip over the speed bump, was to continue to work out at Curves. When I was in town, I did not miss a single workout and in fact posted my highest calorie losses to date (I think it came from knowing what I had ate and figuring I should work harder to burn it off). So, while yes I'm up on the scale, it could have been so much worse. I was actually surprised when I stepped on this morning and was so thankful it wasn't as bad as I thought. I can work with this. LOL If you all knew what I had been eating...well, you'd be impressed at how low the number was, too.

Now, we're coming down to the wire. Will I make it to 80lbs lost by the end of the year? I can't promise that. I don't know how the numbers are going to work out, but I can promise to stay focused from now to the end of the year by getting on a freeway to avoid more speed bumps. :o)

Here's to a great final 3+ months. We'll see what I can accomplish!!!!