Ultimate Goal

spark quotes

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Day 94 - down 30.6lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart

You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 246.2lbs
Gain/loss: 30.6lbs

I had my massage on my calves today. OUCH and AAAHHHH. It was mostly painful in a good way...you know when someone gets deep into the sore muscle. Anyway, they are sore, but feel much looser and I have another one scheduled for next week to continue the loosening process. My calves are just uptight, go figure! LOL Tried a new thing and went grocery shopping today instead of Sunday. So far I think it will work better as then we can just relax on Sunday without having to add an errand to the day.

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. Having enough money to be able to buy groceries
2. time with HHT
3. getting a massage
4. S and her infectious laugh
5. new flavor of coffee

5 things I did right:
1. went grocery shopping
2. read w/B
3. picked up the living room
4. did more laundry
5. went to bed on time

Food Intake:

1 egg - 1 carb
1 slice american cheese - 2 carb
1 low carb tortilla - 4 carb
1 cup of decaf coffee w/creamer and splenda - 4 carb

Morning Snack:
1oz planters bbq peanuts - 3 carb

1 low carb tortilla - 4 carb
1oz cheddar
1 tbsp sour cream - 1 carb
1 tbsp salsa - 1 carb

Afternoon snack:
chocolate chips and peanuts mixture - 12 carb

2 low carb tortillas - 8 carb
2 eggs - 2 carb
1oz cheddar

Evening snack:
decaf coffee w/creamer and splenda - 4 carb

46 carb

Did I move any today?
S was my trainer today and for 25 minutes with music we rotated through running through the house, spinning in circles, dancing, jumping and running in place...oh and marching

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Day 93 - down 30.6lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart

You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 246.2lbs
Gain/loss: 30.6lbs

Received my makeup today. Yes, I said makeup! LOL Nothing fancy, very neutral colors so as to not turn my HHT off...wouldn't want that! ;o) Had a hankerin for more cookie dough, but at 48 carbs per scoop, I took some time to think about my decision. I decided that I was really craving something sweet and looked for an alternative. I found some dark chocolate chips which were 9 carbs per TBSP. So, I mixed the 1 tbsp chocolate chips w/1oz peanuts and had a little snack that satisfied my sweet tooth and was only 12 carbs! Go me! Made an appointment for a massage on my legs for tomorrow. Really looking forward to having my calves loosened up!

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. HHT making time to come home so I can workout
2. new skin care products
3. making a dinner the kids went gaga over...they ate 19 pancakes!!!!
4. a clean kitchen
5. time spent reading with B

5 things I did right:
1. cleaned the kitchen
2. made another hat for the fundraiser
3. chose a healthier sweet snack
4. made the appointment for my legs
5. read to B

Food Intake:

1 egg - 1 carb
1 slice american cheese - 2 carb
1 low carb tortilla - 4 carb
1 cup of decaf coffee w/creamer and splenda - 4 carb

Morning Snack:
mix of chocolate chips and peanuts - 12 carb

pork chops
2 low carb tortillas - 8 carb
1 tbsp salsa - 1 carb
2 tbsp sour cream - 2 carb

Afternoon snack:

1 pancake - ?
2 servings frittata - 2 carb
1 pepsi one

Evening snack:

36 + pancake

Did I move any today?

Yes, Curves circuit

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Day 92 - down 30lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart

You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 246.8lbs
Gain/loss: 30.0lbs

Had a fun time with my Mary Kay consultant. With buying a bra this weekend and learning how to put on makeup this morning, I think I may be turning into a girlie girl!!! Nah, no worries there. LOL HHT came home for lunch and stayed home for the afternoon. I love it when he does that! The kiddos did their homework and then played outside...even though it was COLD! HHT mowed the lawn and well, now my allergies are in full swing. YUCK!! Continued crocheting hats. It was just a really laid back, good day! :o)

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. A new look
2. a little bit of sunshine
3. my crockpot
4. a clean kitchen
5. my HHT making time for me

5 things I did right:
1. cleaned the kitchen
2. spent time outside
3. drank my water
4. took some cuddle time
5. read to the girls

Food Intake:

Morning Snack:

pizza toppings
2 low carb tortillas - 8 carb
mozzarella cheese

Afternoon snack:
1oz planters bbq peanuts - 3 carb

2 low carb tortillas - 8 carb
tomato - 3 carb
shredded pork chops
mozzarella cheese

Evening snack:

22 carb

Did I move any today?


Day 91 - down 30lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart
You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 246.8lbs
Gain/loss: 30.0lbs

Well, I've decided to increase my physical activity. At first, because I have this habit of being all gung ho for an idea, planning it and biting off way more than I can chew, quitting and feeling like a failure, I had decided to do the Slim Series dvds I had. That's an additional hour of exercise a day, 6 days a week for 4 weeks. I was all excited planning which "program" I was going to follow when it dawned on me that I was setting myself up for failure. Now, I feel healthier, Curves is a great workout, but I just feel ready to add more and I'm allowing myself to not be superwoman and accomplish this great physical feat, but to slow down and go slower so I'm more likely to stick to it. A small increase that lasts is better than a large increase that doesn't. So I've decided that I will only be adding additional workouts to the days I don't go to Curves and to start with, they will only be 30 minutes in length. I know that as I continue to get stronger and more fit, I'll be able to SLOWLY add more and more to my routine. I don't have to do it all at once and that is ok. I'm learning! :o)

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. SP and A came over and A fixed a really yummy dinner for us all
2. spending time with the girls this morning
3. being able to be outside and it not being cold or rainy or snowy
4. a super duper HHT who is just the greatest guy ever!!!!
5. a really fun weekend

5 things I did right:
1. blogged
2. spent time outside
3. drank my water
4. had some fun
5. kept a promise

Food Intake:

Morning Snack:

a serving of happy family and mongolian beef
1 slice bread - 12 carb

Afternoon snack:

taco meat
grilled chicken
2 low carb tortillas - 8 carb
4 tbsp sour cream - 4 carb
2 tbsp salsa - 2 carb
tomato - 3 carb
shredded lettuce
sauteed onions and peppers

Evening snack:

29 carb

Did I move any today?

pulled the wagon with kids in it, bounced on the trampoline, played 4-square

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Day 90 - down 30.8lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart

You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 246.0lbs
Gain/loss: 30.8lbs

Yeah, I'm back to blogging a day behind, but in my defense, I didn't even get to bed until 1:30AM ish. I worked out in the morning and then went shopping with a friend. I was fitted for a new bra. That was an ordeal for a tomboy like me. I've never done it before, but I was in good hands (no pun intended) with a friend who knew how a bra should fit and ended up with a new periferal vision. Who know that was what my chest was supposed to look like! LOL I found some other treasures and then we came home, picked up her other half, bought some tequila (evil tequila) and Chinese food and came back to my house. We watched a movie and some Vicar of Dibley. I had a great time!

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. That my girls are now lifted and separated :o)
2. good friends
3. yummy Chinese food
4. a handy HHT - he fixed the fence
5. cute kids

5 things I did right:
1. went bra shopping
2. worked out
3. drank my water
4. had some fun
5. took care of HHT

Food Intake:

Morning Snack:
1 low carb tortilla - 4 carb
1oz cheddar

Fuddruckers burger w/half a bun
lots of veggies

Afternoon snack:
various samples in the stores

beef broccoli
happy family
bite of general's chicken
tequila sunset
tequila and pepsi one

Evening snack:

wouldn't even know how to count it so we'll count it as a day off of counting :o)

Did I move any today?

Curves circuit and walking

Day 89 - down 30lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart

You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 246.8lbs
Gain/loss: 30lbs

Ok, it's midnight, but since I said I would get back on this blogger bandwagon, I will get this posted before I go to bed. :o) Had a fun day. HHT went with EB on a field trip to the zoo. A bus full of 1st graders who got stuck in traffic on the way home. LOL But HHT got home early and so we had an hour all to ourselves, which was great. Then we had as usual a fun Friday night gathering. I am also learning to knit, so I had D help me with learning the stitches. It will be a while before I can knit as well as I crochet...if ever. LOL

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. Friends who can teach me new things
2. spending time with HHT
3. having HHT home to help setup for Friday night
4. having more areas decluttered
5. a new nail polish

5 things I did right:
1. blogged :o)
2. cooked dinner
3. cleaned the kitchen...twice
4. learned something new
5. drank my water

Food Intake:

1 egg - 1 carb
1 low carb tortilla - 4 carb
1 slice american cheese - 2 carb
1 cup decaf coffee w/4 tbsp half and half - 2 carb

Morning Snack:

2 low carb tortillas - 8 carb
2oz cheddar

Afternoon snack:

1 serving Curried Chicken Soup - 6 carb
1/2 serving beef stew
small spoonful of corn and carrots - 6 carb
bite of berry pie and pumpkin pie w/dab of cool whip - 10 (on the high end guess)

Evening snack:

39 carb

Did I move any today?

10,000+ steps walked

Friday, April 25, 2008

Message to all my readers

You may be wondering where I've been. I faithfully blogged for 85 days with posting the next day if I missed a day. Well, don't worry, I haven't fallen off the health wagon, I just fell off the blog wagon. While on some days I don't share much about myself, and on others I share quite a bit, it is all hard for me. I like that I may be helping someone else on their journey to a healthier them, and I have no intention of stopping my blog, but I do find it tedious sometimes, so this past week when I got a day behind, I dreaded the keyboard and found other things to occupy my time, telling myself they were more important. Yeah, it was a cop out that led to being another day behind and well, pretty soon one gets so behind that they don't feel like they can catch up. So I've decided to write this little piece instead and not even try to catch up on the missing days. I'll just start fresh from today. Again. As with all journeys, sometimes something breaks down and you have to pause and get it fixed. So for now, I'm fixed and back to blogging! Full steam ahead!!! :o)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Day 85 - down 29lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart

You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 247.8lbs
Gain/loss: 29lbs

Was bit by the decluttering bug again today. I went through the computer armoire, took out the desktop that is no longer used and set it up as my little office area with my laptop. Watched a friend's son today. He's 6 months younger than S. They had fun together, but come nap time, I put them down and 10 minutes later, I hear squealing. I go see what's going on and they are jumping in the crib. They were having a grand old time! After about an hour of going in every 10 minutes to tell them to lay down, I gave up and out they came. Needless to say, S was very grumpy later without her nap. But she had fun until then. :o) I baked 2 loaves of banana bread to use up the bananas no one would eat. My children are odd and will only eat the bananas if the skin is almost green with no blemish. But they all love the banana bread. Maybe it's a conspiracy to have me make more banana bread. LOL

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. S having a playmate
2. having a warm roof over my head
3. having enough to eat
4. being sleepy
5. reading w/B

5 things I did right:
1. wore my shoes
2. baked banana bread
3. watched G
4. decluttered the computer armoire
5. made teriyaki chicken for dinner

Food Intake:

1 egg - 1 carb
1 low carb tortilla - 4 carb
1 slice american cheese - 2 carb
1 cup decaf coffee w/4 tbsp half and half - 2 carb

Morning Snack:

1 low carb wrap - 7 carb
2 slices american cheese - 4 carb
2 slices tomato - 2 carb

Afternoon snack:

2 servings teriyaki chicken - 8 carb
salad w/ranch - 2 carb

Evening snack:

32 carb

Did I move any today?

10,000+ steps walked and heavy lifting

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Day 84 - down 30.4lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart
You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 246.4lbs
Gain/loss: 30.4lbs

Went shopping for a new grill. Found one at Home Depot...apparently I have popular taste as it was the only grill that was not there. Went to Target and found another one...also out. LOL So for a couple hours of shopping, I ended up empty handed. We ate lunch out and came back. Since we had removed the back seat of the van in anticipation of buying a grill, HHT took the opportunity to clean out the van...with the kids help since there was a LOT of garbage that shouldn't have been back there. LOL

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. spending time with HHT
2. relaxing
3. seeing the sun
4. the kids playing nicely together
5. leftovers

5 things I did right:
1. wore my shoes
2. ate my veggies
3. went grocery shopping
4. even though not sleepy, went to bed on time
5. cleaned the kitchen

Food Intake:

1 egg - 1 carb
1 low carb tortilla - 4 carb
1 slice american cheese - 2 carb
1 cup decaf coffee w/4 tbsp half and half - 2 carb
1oz mozzarella

Morning Snack:

1 serving bourbon chicken - 31 carb (who knew...well guessed it was higher, it was so sweet!)
caesar salad - 2 carb
cabbage and broccoli veggie mix

Afternoon snack:

1 serving cheesy garlic chicken - 6 carb
salad w/ranch - 2 carb

Evening snack:
2 tbsp cream cheese - 2 carb
2 tbsp strawberry cool whip - 2 carb
1 tbsp sugar-free strawberry glaze - 3 carb

57 carb

Did I move any today?
10,000+ steps walked

Day 83 - down 30.2lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart
You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 246.6lbs
Gain/loss: 30.2lbs

Ok, now I was shocked at this almost a month ago, but here we are again, the end of April and we had hail/snow mix. All the kids and I went outside and played in it. But man, is it COLD outside. Especially because last Saturday we were almost 80 degrees. Anyway, I worked out this morning and after I was done, I stepped on the scale and was borderline being able to move the big weight down one. So I took off my shoes and moved the big weight down one. YIPPEE!!! No more having the big weight at 250 for me! Because of the cold weather, we just pretty much lounged around the house, after cleaning it up from last night, and played games and watched spongebob on the big screen. I did my nails and all the girls nails, too. S kept showing everybody her pretty nails. My brother came and took his grill, so I may get to go shopping tomorrow for a new one for us. I'm excited, although at the moment, it's a little too chilly to be grilling. LOL

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. getting to play in the white stuff with the kids
2. playing a new game with B
3. finishing Fellowship of the Ring with B
4. HHT inventing a new game - he's such an awesome Daddy
5. a warm fire!

5 things I did right:
1. worked out
2. blogged
3. cleaned the kitchen
4. spent time with the kids
5. relaxed

Food Intake:

1 egg - 1 carb
1 low carb tortilla - 4 carb
1 slice american cheese - 2 carb
1 cup decaf coffee w/4 tbsp half and half - 2 carb
1oz mozzarella

Morning Snack:

1 low carb wrap - 7 carb
1 serving cheesy garlic chicken - 6 carb
1oz cheddar
1 pepsi one

Afternoon snack:

caesar salad w/croutons - 7 carb
1 low carb wrap w/cheese - 7 carb
1 tbsp sour cream - 1 carb

Evening snack:
2 tbsp cream cheese - 2 carb
2 tbsp strawberry cool whip - 2 carb
1 tbsp sugar-free strawberry glaze - 3 carb

44 carb

Did I move any today?

yes - Curves circuit, walked 10,000+ steps, and played outside in the snow/hail

Friday, April 18, 2008

Day 82 - down 29.6lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart

You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 247.2lbs
Gain/loss: 29.6lbs

Wow, my day started off really great! Ok, a little back story before I proceed. I'm married to one of those men that if you ask him a question, he'll tell you the honest answer. I call him "brutally" honest. For example when trying on clothes and I ask him how it looks, he's not going to worry about what he thinks I want him to say, he's going to say how it looks! LOL At first I thought, "How rude! Doesn't he know husbands are just supposed to say it looks great and not squash my feelings when I think something looks good?" Now, don't get me wrong, he's not mean about what he says at all, he's just, honest. Anyway, I now really appreciate this trait in him and here's one of the reasons why. When he compliments me, I know it's the truth and not just something he's saying because he thinks he's supposed to. Back story over, here's what happened: I have this green shirt that's been hanging in the closet. It's one of those I bought a LONG time ago (size 18/20) from Lane Bryant. Now, when I tried it on in the store, I thought I looked good. I bought it and when I got home I tried it on for HHT. He got that look on his face. So, I asked the question. I got the answer. "It kind of shows off your belly rolls." Again, not said to be mean, just an honest observation. I was crushed! He recognized that and said he was sorry. But the truth is the truth and so I told him I appreciated the honesty, it is just sometimes hard to hear. Fast forward to today, at least 3-5 years later. I put on "the shirt". I like it and am willing to show myself off, rolls and all. LOL HHT sees me and says, "I like that shirt. It shows off all your curves." I started laughing! So the same shirt that brought such a downer and now been the same shirt that made my day! I must be making progress, because HHT doesn't lie!

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. The Friday night crew
2. being complimented
3. a yummy new recipe
4. taking naps with HHT
5. friends who are willing to help

5 things I did right:
1. wore my shoes
2. drank my water
3. set up for Friday night
4. spent time with HHT
5. tried foods in moderation

Food Intake:

1 egg - 1 carb
1 low carb tortilla - 4 carb
1 slice american cheese - 2 carb
1 cup decaf coffee w/4 tbsp half and half - 2 carb

Morning Snack:

1 low carb wrap - 8 carb
1oz cheddar
2 tbsp sour cream - 2 carb
2 tbsp salsa - 2 carb
1/2 tomato - 3 carb

Afternoon snack:

1 serving cheesy garlic chicken - 6 carb
7 tortilla chips - 7 carb
1 tbsp sour cream - 1 carb
smidge of bean dip
broccoli, cucumber, cauliflower
1 tbsp ranch dressing - 1 carb
2 bites of homemade banana pudding
2 bites of strawberries w/smidge strawberry cool whip and smidge of sugar-free strawberry glaze - 6 carb

Evening snack:
white wine - 5 carb

50 carb

Did I move any today?
yes - walked 10,000 + steps

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Day 81 - down 29lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart

You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 247.8lbs
Gain/loss: 29lbs

Accomplished less today, but also didn't feel like crawling out of my skin. I did work out and take B to the ortho and attend the relay for life meeting, but other than that and the usual laundry and cooking dinner and changing the toddler, it was a slow day. :o)

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. spending time with B (even though it sometimes drives me crazy! LOL)
2. an HHT who picks up the slack when I'm not at home
3. hobbies
4. a camera
5. my shoes

5 things I did right:
1. wore my shoes
2. worked out
3. drank my water
4. went to bed on time
5. got caught up on laundry

Food Intake:

1 egg - 1 carb
1 low carb tortilla - 4 carb
1 slice american cheese - 2 carb
1 cup decaf coffee w/4 tbsp half and half - 2 carb

Morning Snack:
1 oz planters peanuts - 3 carb

1 low carb wrap - 7 carb
1/2 tomato - 3 carb
1oz cheddar

Afternoon snack:

1oz fritos corn chips - 14 carb
salad w/ 1/2 tomato - 3 carb
2tbsp sour cream mixed with 1 tbsp salsa - 2.5 carb
taco meat

Evening snack:

41.5 carb

Did I move any today?

Yes - Curves circuit and walked 10,000+ steps

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Day 80 - down 27.6lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart

You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 249.2lbs
Gain/loss: 27.6lbs

Well, another day where I accomplished a lot. I decluttered the laundry shelves and game book shelf. Another trip to the thrift store to drop them off. I was extremely frazzled today, but I recognize that it is just hormonal and will pass...hopefully soon. I hate the feeling of wanting to crawl out of my skin and escape. Anyway, went shopping with a friend of mine and her son at a consignment child store and got some new clothes for S. Then we all went to burger king so the toddlers could play in the play area. I was keeping a close eye on S (or so I thought) so she would stay on the little stuff and not climb up to the top since there were no older siblings to help her down. For a while she did good, and then in a flash she was gone. Sure enough, all the way up to the top. She was having a blast! Now, there's no way I can fit up there to get her. So my friend insists she can (she's 32 weeks pregnant by the way) and sure enough, up she goes, calls S and gets her to go down the slide. It was pretty impressive. While getting her shoes on, S decides that she doesn't need my help with her chocolate milk and tips it up instead of drinking out of the straw. She's now soaked in chocolate milk...it did save me from having to put her shoes on. LOL And from there, my day was pretty much one YIKES after another. I'm ready for bed!

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. another area decluttered
2. getting out of the house for a little while
3. spending some time with HHT
4. watching the kids receive their awards
5. going to bed

5 things I did right:
1. wore my shoes
2. decluttered another area
3. cleaned the kitchen
4. blogged
5. went to bed on time

Food Intake:

1 egg - 1 carb
1 low carb tortilla - 4 carb
1 slice american cheese - 2 carb
1 cup decaf coffee w/4 tbsp half and half - 2 carb

Morning Snack:

1 debunned steak burger at burger king w/lettuce, tomato and onion - 5 carb

Afternoon snack:

1 low carb wrap - 8 carb
pork roast
1oz cheddar
1 tbsp sun dried tomato pesto mayo - 3 carb

Evening snack:

25 carb

Did I move any today?
walked 10,000+ steps and lots of lifting

Day 79 - down 27.6lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart

You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 249.2lbs
Gain/loss: 27.6lbs

I'm trying a little experiment this week. Since changing my diet, my digestive system has been a little "off" (hope you get what I mean, I was trying to put it delicately LOL). So, this week, I'll be drinking a cup of decaf coffee each morning to see if that helps. Today was a generally yucky, hormonal day. For the most part, I know it will last only a day or two. The bloating is what bothers me the most as in general, it just makes me feel fat. But I know it will pass and I'm not going to let those feelings sabotage my progress. Tried to help B with homework, but apparently 2 hormonal females trying to do math together just don't mix. :o) Now I must round up the kiddos for bath/shower night.

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. being able to bake banana bread and have access to all my kitchen tools!
2. my nice warm bed
3. cool Curves trainer
4. my HHT
5. the kids and all they come with

5 things I did right:
1. worked out
2. blogged
3. baked banana bread
4. wore my shoes
5. cleaned the kitchen

Food Intake:

1 low carb tortilla - 4 carb
1 slice american cheese - 2 carb
1 egg - 1 carb
1 cup decaf coffee w/2 tbsp half and half - 2 carb

Morning Snack:

1 low carb wrap - 7 carb
1oz cheddar
1 tbsp sun dried tomato pesto mayo - 3 carb

Afternoon snack:
1oz planters ranch peanuts - 3 carb
1 ultra thin slice of banana bread - 15 carb

pork roast
salad w/2 tbsp ranch - 2 carb
3 bites homemade mac n cheese - 5 carb

Evening snack:

44 carb

Did I move any today?
yes, Curves circuit and 10000+ steps

Monday, April 14, 2008

Day 78 - down 27.6lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart

You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 249.2lbs
Gain/loss: 27.6lbs

Have no idea what happened to me today, but I thoroughly decluttered and cleaned my kitchen. I just wanted to be able to bake some banana bread and I got fed up with not being able to just get the tools I needed. So, one corner cleaned up led to another corner being cleaned and by the end of the day, it was done. However, when I get so single minded focused, I forget things. I put dinner in the crockpot, and even plugged it in, but at noon I looked and couldn't figure out why it wasn't cooking...because I didn't turn it on! LOL HHT said that we could just go out, which proved to be cheaper and less busy than when we go on the weekend. For those that know me well, I don't clean. I joke with HHT that I'm a good wife, good mother, lousy housekeeper, but 2 out of 3 ain't bad! LOL Needless to say he was thrilled when he saw the kitchen. Now maybe I'll get my hutch and the kitchen remodel from last year will be complete!!! :o)

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. an understanding HHT
2. a clean kitchen
3. cooperative kids
4. feeling rested
5. God's help on this journey

5 things I did right:
1. cleaned the kitchen
2. wore my shoes
3. walked 10,000+ steps
4. drank my water
5. went grocery shopping

Food Intake:

1/2 serving chipotle bbq ribs - 2.5 carb
1 low carb tortilla - 4 carb
1 slice american cheese - 2 carb

Morning Snack:

1 debunned burger king double whopper w/lettuce, onion and tomato - 3 carb
1 diet coke

Afternoon snack:

Hometown buffet:
steak w/grilled onions
salad w/2 tbsp ranch - 2 carb
1 small piece fried fish - 10 carb
1 chicken drumstick
1 cheeseburger patty - 2 carb
2 glasses sprite zero
1 cup of hot tea

Evening snack:

25.5 carb

Did I move any today?
10,000+ steps

Day 77

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart

You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: lbs
Gain/loss: lbs

Boy, it was hard to wake up this morning. But, I did get to sleep in. By 10am we were checked out and were looking for someplace to go for breakfast before we headed to a tulip festival. The 1st restaurant had people lined up around the building. The 2nd didn't accept credit cards. Finally, we ended up at Elmer's. After a yummy breakfast (as hungry as we were, we really weren't picky) we also decided it was too late to drive to the tulip festival so we spent the day hitting the thrift stores and looking for treasures. Got home at about 4pm and just jumped into the routine. Next weekend away at 224.8lbs! I can do it!!! I was so exhausted when I got home, that I went to bed at 9pm. :o)

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. spending time with HHT
2. looking through thrift stores
3. my pillow
4. being able to read LOTR with B
5. having the chance to get away

5 things I did right:
1. remained aware of what I was eating
2. walked
3. had a great time
4. chose the best foods for my eating plan
5. wore my shoes

Food Intake:

Elmer's Hungry Rancher Breakfast:
2 slices bacon
2 sausage links
2 slices ham (gave half to HHT)
3 scrambled eggs
1/2 biscuit (yes, I did only eat 1/2!)
cantaloupe and honeydew melon

Morning Snack:


Afternoon snack:

1.5 black angus hamburger patties - 1.5 carb
2 low carb wraps - 14 carb
2 tbsp sundried tomato pesto mayo - 6 carb
2oz cheddar

Evening snack:

22+ whatever was in the biscuit and melon

Did I move any today?
walking! 10,000+ steps

Friday, April 11, 2008

Day 76

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart

You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: lbs
Gain/loss: lbs

Wow, what a super day! So good in fact that I'm writing about it 2 days later! LOL Woke up and had breakfast. While waiting for HHT to run an errand, I surfed the web and watched LOTR The Fellowship of the Ring and when that was on commercial, I watched more SpongeBob. :o) At noon I was picked up by a gorgeous man in a hot car and we went out to lunch. Then we went to the expo center for the BBQ, Spa, outdoor show. Yeah, that was a bust. But next door in another hall was a plant sale and in another hall was an Alpaca show so we checked both of those out, too. And I figured the more I walked the better. Then we went to IKEA and picked up some things for the kitchen. We met up with some friends for dinner. After a really yummy dinner, we went for a walk along the river and ended up at another restaurant for more drinks. Didn't get back to the room until after midnight! But it was a wonderful time!

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. good friends
2. getting away from it all
3. the bed at the end of the day
4. hot showers
5. toothpaste! (when you forget it, you really miss it LOL)

5 things I did right:
1. remained aware of what I was eating
2. walked
3. had a great time
4. chose the best foods for my eating plan
5. wore my shoes

Food Intake:

1 low carb wrap - 8 carb
1oz cheddar
1/2 tomato - 3 carb

Morning Snack:
1oz planters ranch peanuts - 3 carb

Billygans Halibut and Parmesan
sauteed veggies
caesar salad w/croutons - 7 carb
iced tea

Afternoon snack:

La Bottega chicken sambatica
snow peas
3 bites garlic mashed potatoes - 5
16oz red wine - 16 carb
1 espresso shot

Evening snack:
16oz beer - 16 carb
2oz port
1 dove dark chocolate

58+ as I'm pretty sure there may have been hidden carbs or I didn't add enough for certain foods, but I was aware of what I ate and I was on vacation. :o)

Did I move any today?
Lots of walking! 20,000+ steps

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Day 75 - down 27.2lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart

You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 249.6lbs
Gain/loss: -27.2lbs

YIPPEE!!! I'm currently in a hotel room enjoying the start of the weekend away I earned by losing 26lbs. :o) It's so nice to unplug from everyday life and just get to do what I want with no responsibilities. So, what am I doing? Watching a SpongeBob SquarePants marathon! Yes, I admit it, I like Bunge Butt (that's what my 2yo calls him). We don't have cable so I love to just surf the web and watch cable. I may go swimming, I may not, but I can do whatever I want!!! I packed a meal for me to eat for breakfast tomorrow. HHT will join me around lunchtime tomorrow to spend the rest of the weekend with me. I'm in a 2nd floor room and my window looks onto a beautiful tree in bloom with white flowers. It's very pretty and so relaxing. Well, I have more Bunge Butt to watch. Enjoy the weekend!

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. An HHT who lets me go away for a weekend
2. reaching 10,000 steps on my pedometer
3. helpful kids
4. 2 beds to choose from LOL
5. having time to myself

5 things I did right:
1. blogged
2. drank 8 glasses of water
3. walked 10,000+ steps
4. worked out
5. wore my shoes

Food Intake:

1 egg - 1 carb
1 low carb tortilla - 4 carb
1 slice american cheese - 2 carb

Morning Snack:
1oz planters ranch peanuts - 3 carb

1 low carb wrap - 8 carb
1oz cheddar
1/2 tomato - 3 carb

Afternoon snack:

Jack in the Box Soutwestern Chicken Salad w/out beans - 26 carb
spicy corn sticks - 17 carb

Evening snack:

64.5 carb

Did I move any today?
Yes - Curves circuit

Day 74 - down 27lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart
You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 249.8lbs
Gain/loss: -27.0lbs

WOOHOO! I hit the 240s! I stepped on the scale this morning and it said 250.0. I said, "Come on, I'm so close!" So I stepped on it again and it said 249.8. I said, "Best 2 out of 3." Stepped on it again and it was 249.8. I'm taking it. I know I'll probably fluctuate a little back into the 250s, but it is a mind thing and it made me feel better and more motivated, so I'm taking it! LOL

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. HHT being such a good Daddy - taking B out to Starbuck's before school...she's one lucky girl!
2. being able to work out earlier in the afternoon
3. water
4. being sleepy and able to sleep
5. tomorrow is the start of my weekend away YIPPEE!!

5 things I did right:
1. wore my shoes
2. drank my water
3. worked out
4. ate my veggies
5. took some me time

Food Intake:

2oz turkey
low carb wrap (found some new ones and am trying them out) - 6 carb
1/2 tomato - 3 carb

Morning Snack:

2oz turkey
low carb wrap - 6 carb
1/2 tomato - 3 carb
1oz cheddar

Afternoon snack:

1 serving lemon-lime chili chicken - 5 carb
1 low carb wrap w/flax - 8 carb
salad w/ranch dressing - 2 carb

Evening snack:

33 carb

Did I move any today?
Yes - Curves circuit

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Day 73 - down 26lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart

You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 250.8lbs
Gain/loss: -26.0lbs

Had a massage today! AAAAHHHH! (That was a huge sigh AAAHHHH and not a frustrated AAAHHHH LOL). I mean how lucky am I to have a Curves trainer who is also a massage practitioner and a friend who is a massage practitioner. I have 2 to choose from! So anyway, I ended up being so relaxed that I went to bed early so this blog is a day late. We went to Salvation Army while the kids were at Pioneer Club and I found a set of my Mikasa whole wheat dishes. Everytime I go to thrift stores, I look for them. I was so excited and as an added bonus the dish sets were 25% off! HHT was still a little hesitant, but gave in like the sweet hubby he is. Hopefully I helped him feel better about his decision after I showed him how much the dishes were going for on eBay. :o)

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. finding my dishes
2. my massage
3. HHT's Geneva Bible (so cool to read the old english!)
4. HHT's arms (always feel so secure when I'm in them!)
5. spark people

5 things I did right:
1. ate right
2. wore my shoes
3. took time for myself
4. picked up the living room
5. did more laundry

Food Intake:

1 egg - 1 carb
1 low carb tortilla - 4 carb
1/2 cup 2% milk - 6.5 carb

Morning Snack:
1 pirouette cookie - 9 carb

2 hot dogs - 2 carb
2 low carb torillas - 8 carb

Afternoon snack:

2 hot dogs - 2 carb
2 low carb torillas - 8 carb

Evening snack:

39.5 carb

Did I move any today?
yes, walking

Monday, April 7, 2008

Day 72 - down 25.6lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart

You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 251.2lbs
Gain/loss: -25.6lbs

Still doing laundry! LOL I realized today that doing dishes can be a form of therapy. I had some things I wanted to work out and for once my 1st thought wasn't of turning to food. I vented to HHT and then proceeded to clean up the kitchen. I put on headphones and listened to some tuneage. It was actually a little relaxing. Shocker to those who know me (And a message to HHT: Don't think this means I'll always be like this! LOL). Anyway, I learning new ways to deal with emotions. Still a work in progress, but at least I'm progressing!

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. My HHT willing to work my workouts into his schedule so I can go during the day
2. the frogs chirping outside
3. having a routine
4. that my Vicar of Dibley collection came in
5. that I have great kids

5 things I did right:
1. blogged
2. worked out
3. wore my shoes
4. cleaned the kitchen
5. made a healthier muffin recipe for the kids

Food Intake:

1 low carb tortilla - 4 carb
1 slice american cheese - 2 carb
1 egg - 1 carb

Morning Snack:
1 carrot - 4 carb

2 low carb tortillas - 8 carb
2oz cheddar

Afternoon snack:

3 hot dogs - 3 carb
3 low carb tortillas - 12 carb

Evening snack:

34 carb

Did I move any today?
Yes - Curves circuit and 30 wall squats

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Day 71 - down 26.2lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart

You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 250.6lbs
Gain/loss: -26.2lbs

Well, today was the 1st week since starting that I didn't lose any weight. I chalk it up to my cookie dough binge. At least I got close to where I was last week and can focus this week from there. I would like to by next week be out of the 250's and move into the 240's. Especially because on the Curves scale I will get to move the big weight on the bottom over. That will be an exciting day! Everyone was back to school today. They were all surprisingly easy to wake up, too! HHT came home and stayed home after lunch so we had a couple of hours of good quality time together...including a nap! :o) Started my new challenge today and reached all of my goals. YIPPEE!!

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. HHT coming home for the afternoon
2. kids being easy to wake up
3. being able to take a short nap
4. internet
5. bed

5 things I did right:
1. blogged
2. wore my shoes
3. met my challenge goals
4. tried a new recipe
5. cleaned the kitchen after dinner

Food Intake:

1 low carb tortilla - 4 carb
1/2 cup 2% milk - 6.5 carb
1oz cheddar

Morning Snack:
1 carrot - 4 carb

2 low carb tortillas - 8 carb
chicken salad
salad w/2 tbsp ranch - 2 carb

Afternoon snack:

1 serving of chicken and pepperoni - 1 carb
salad w/2 tbsp ranch - 2 carb

Evening snack:

27.5 carb

Did I move any today?
yes - wall pushups, 15 minutes of cardio

Day 70 - down 25.6lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart

You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 251.2lbs
Gain/loss: -25.6lbs

I slept in today as I got home pretty late last night. Went with my mom to a movie store she had heard about. I picked up a season of Frasier that I didn't have and some other movies. We went out to lunch at Applebees and I had a burger without the bun and a caesar side salad. Came home and picked 3 new recipes to try this week from my new cookbook. Then HHT and I went grocery shopping. Doing some laundry as tomorrow is back to school and the regular routine. Starting a new challenge tomorrow so I'm preparing myself to get more veggies in my diet. I can do it! :o)

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. being able to sleep in
2. movie shopping
3. HHT watching the kids
4. having a washer and dryer
5. being able to dream

5 things I did right:
1. chose better choices when eating out
2. wore my shoes
3. picked out some new recipes to try
4. went grocery shopping
5. went to bed on time

Food Intake:

Morning Snack:

Applebees Brewtus burger w/out bun
caesar side salad w/croutons - 7 carb

Afternoon snack:

pork roast
3 low carb tortillas - 12 carb
1oz cheddar
1 pepsi one

Evening snack:

19 carb

Did I move any today?
just walking while shopping

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Day 69 - down 24.6lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart

You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 252.2lbs
Gain/loss: -24.6lbs

Made sure I woke up early enough to eat some breakfast before working out. Got a good workout in, but really didn't want to get out of bed to go. LOL Sent EB out with her grandparents for a day of spoiling. Took B to open her 1st bank account. Did some laundry. HHT pressure washed the front porch. We went to Izzy's (pizza buffet) for dinner. Now, that's some of my favorite pizza crust. It ended up not being as torturous as I thought it would be. I had 3 pieces of pizza and scraped the toppings off and piled the crusts onto another plate. I had some roasted veggies and salad and chicken. So I did great and am giving myself a pat on the back. :o) After dinner, S and ET went running on the sidewalk and S fell into a huge puddle soaking herself completely. Got her home and bathed (for the 2nd time of the day!) and went to check on EB who had an accident in her pants. Got her cleaned up and then I was really ready for a little break! I met a friend at Borders and bought a diabetic slow cooker recipe book so I'll be trying some new recipes this week. They were passing out samples of sandwiches from their deli and I tried the breakfast sandwich and just removed the english muffin. It was tasty! Then we saw Run Fat Boy Run which was a really cute movie.

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. being able to go out with friends
2. HHT
3. being able to workout
4. a new cookbook
5. my pillow

5 things I did right:
1. worked out
2. didn't go hog wild at the buffet
3. didn't snack on anything at the movies
4. wore my shoes
5. read with B

Food Intake:

1 low carb tortilla - 4 carb
2 pieces of bbq pork - 2 carb
1oz cheddar

Morning Snack:

2 low carb tortilla - 8 carb
6 pieces of bbq pork - 6 carb
1oz cheddar

Afternoon snack:
pirouette cookie - 9 carb
3oz planters ranch peanuts - 3 carb

salad w/ranch dressing - 2 carb
pizza toppings - 4 carb
roasted veggies

Evening snack:
1/8th of a sausage patty
1/8th of scrambled egg patty

38 carb

Did I move any today?

yes, Curves circuit

Friday, April 4, 2008

Day 68 - down 24.4lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart

You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 252.4lbs
Gain/loss: -24.4lbs

Got ready for Church by setting up the tables and chairs. Celebrated EB's birthday at the exact moment of birth and let her open a present. Watched HHT decorate her cake on his lunch break. It turned out to be a pretty cute pirate ship. When HHT got off work, spent a few quality minutes with him before everyone showed up and then finished making the mac n cheese. After our potluck, we sang happy birthday and cut the cake and let her open the rest of her presents. She had a very good day. Took down the tables w/B and stayed up til midnight reading LOTR. A great way to end the day.

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. EB had a great birthday
2. HHT stealing a couple of minutes to be with me and also he's a great cake decorator!
3. Friday nights
4. that I was able to overcome temptation with all the cake, candy and frosting flying about
5. Spring break is almost over LOL

5 things I did right:
1. didn't have any cake
2. wore my shoes
3. read with B
4. helped make EB feel special
5. found a babysitter for next weekend

Food Intake:

1/2 pork steak
1oz cheddar

Morning Snack:

1/2 pork steak
1oz cheddar
2 low carb tortillas - 8 carb

Afternoon snack:
1 rolo - 4 carb
1oz planters bbq peanuts - 3 carb

pork roast
bbq pork - 5 carb
2 tbsp ranch - 2 carb
3 bites homemade macaroni and cheese - 5 carb

Evening snack:

28 carb

Did I move any today?
no, just setting up tables and chairs

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Day 67 - down 23.8lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart

You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 253.0lbs
Gain/loss: -23.8lbs

Another day of spring cleaning decluttering. Today was the kids' dressers. Another day of patience wearing thin and feeling stressed to the max. If we recall, it was a day just like this that led to the cookie dough binge. Fortunately, midway through the day, I went for my workout at Curves. Took out most of my frustrations out on the circuit, re-evaluated what actually could get done in the time I had to work with the kids at home, came home, took a shower and felt much better prepared to finish up the job. Not all of the kids' rooms were decluttered over spring break, but I'm giving myself a pass. We did do a lot and we can do the rest that needs to be done on the weekends for the nest couple of weeks. As with all things in my life I go gangbusters and bite off more than I can chew, then get frustrated when it doesn't get done the way I was sure I could do it, which lowers my resistance. I need to remember a little bit at a time. This evening EB and I baked the cake for her birthday tomorrow. HHT will come home at lunch tomorrow and put it all together. It's a pirate ship. I did hear some disappointing news today. Due to lack of interest, the 6 week solution at Curves won't start on Saturday. They'll try again for June.

5 things I’m grateful for:

1. working out my frustrations instead of eating
2. sunny day
3. showers
4. leftovers
5. HHT - even after almost 14yrs of marriage, my heart still skips a beat when he's near!

5 things I did right:
1. didn't drown my feelings with food
2. worked out
3. helped the kids declutter their dressers (got rid of 4 garbage bags of clothes, etc to give to Goodwill)
4. blogged
5. wore my shoes

Food Intake:

1/2 of a Red Robin Whiskey River BBQ Chicken Wrap w/out the wrap - 10 carb
1 low carb tortilla - 4 carb

Morning Snack:

1 low carb tortilla - 4 carb
1oz cheddar

Afternoon snack:

1/2 pork steak
1 cup coleslaw - 16 carb

Evening snack:

34 carb

Did I move any today?

Yes - Curves circuit

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Day 66 - down 24.2lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart

You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 252.6lbs
Gain/loss: -24.2lbs

Today was a warm sunny day. We went and saw Horton Hears A Who. Very cute movie and I learned that a 2yo with a tub of popcorn can make a HUGE mess! Learned and played a little four-square, shot some hoops outside. Grilled some burgers. I guess basically pretended it was summer. LOL Getting ready for bed, read a book and hopefully get a good night's sleep. It was a good day and hope tomorrow is another one.

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. being able to take the kids to the movie
2. sunny day
3. playing outside
4. dishes
5. HHT - he's really cute when he's mowing the lawn!

5 things I did right:
1. hung out with the kids
2. did the dishes
3. did laundry
4. blogged
5. wore my shoes

Food Intake:

1 low carb tortilla - 4 carb
1 hot dog - 1 carb

Morning Snack:
2oz movie popcorn - 26 carb

1 low carb tortilla - 4 carb
1oz cheddar

Afternoon snack:

1 cheeseburger - 2 carb
salad w/cucumber and red pepper
2 tbsp ranch dressing - 2 carb
1 low carb tortilla - 4 carb

Evening snack:
1oz planters ranch peanuts - 3 carb
1oz cheddar

46 carb

Did I move any today?
just playing outside

Day 65 - down 23lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart

You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 253.8lbs
Gain/loss: -23.0lbs

Alright, today is another day. :o) There was no more cookie dough in my day and actually I didn't even have a craving for it or anything else "bad". Went to Curves and perhaps it was the cheat I had done the night before looming in the back of my head, but I worked my butt off (hopefully literally!). I think I'm going to really enjoy going in the afternoons. I don't feel rushed because I have to get dinner on the table or get the kids somewhere. I can come home and S is taking her nap and I can shower and have some me time. I think it's going to be a good change for me. HHT finally read my blog. He didn't say exactly what I had heard him say in my head (you know, the really sweet, supportive words that would make me feel that it was just a hiccup and I could do it), but he was supportive. It's not his fault that I have "failed" numerous times on other journeys I've started and stopped in a month's time. And it's not his fault that his words made me feel like he thought I didn't have it under control and wouldn't be able to, on my own, just say no. Because I know I always look for that in him and his words. I always look for the tone that says "you won't finish this, either." So, something else I have to work on in me. Because it isn't him. If you knew him, he's just about the most supportive person one could have in life. I just need to accept it and not project my own feelings that I'm going to fail on to him. Hope that made sense. Well, this blog is a day late and I have other things to do this morning, so I'm off to another good day with good choices made!

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. HHT's love
2. working out in the afternoon
3. April Fools Day - man we had fun with the dinner we served the kids! LOL
4. sunny day
5. my SIL visiting

5 things I did right:
1. cleaned the living room
2. cleaned the kitchen
3. made dinner w/B
4. worked out
5. read LOTR with B

Food Intake:

1/2 cup raspberries - 6 carb
1/2 cup 2% milk - 6.5 carb

Morning Snack:


Afternoon snack:

2 hot dogs - 2 carb
2 low carb tortillas - 8 carb
salad w/ cucumbers and red peppers
2 tbsp ranch dressing - 2 carb

Evening snack:

24.5 carb

Did I move any today?

Yes - Curves Circuit and dancing w/S

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

True Confessions of a Food Addict

Alright, if you read my last post, I said I was fighting food cravings and would just go to bed if they got too bad...well, yeah, I didn't do that. Instead, I proceeded to go to the freezer, pull out the 3lb tub of chocolate chunk cookie dough, nuke it to soften it and then eat until I could eat no more. And of course the voices in my head were battling between justifying like mad and talking me out of it. "It will be your 1st slip...Don't let this be your 1st slip." "You've done so good, you deserve it...You've done so good, you deserve to continue to be healthier." "You had a bad day, a little reward would be good for you...You had a bad day, but don't turn to food again to drug yourself into numbness, face it head on." etc. I'm ashamed to say that the justifying voices won out in the end. And after the deed was done, "YOU know you did it, but you don't really have to tell anyone else."
So, I messed up. And I know what happens when I mess up and then hide it...it becomes easier and easier to mess up again and again (and just hide it from everyone and pretend life is good and pretend that I, and not food, am in control of my life) and pretty soon I'm right back where I started and I've worked too hard for that. In order to put a stop to it right now, I'm not hiding it, I'm confessing. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not fooling myself into thinking I'm never going to mess up again, because I'm pretty sure I will. I'm far from perfect. This is a long journey ahead of me and every choice I make will not be the right one. But I can continue to get better and as I do, more and more of my choices will be the right one.
Was it worth it...no. Right now it's almost 1am, I'm on a sugar high (which by the way, after not having a whole lot of carbs for 2 months, happens really quick) and I feel sick. I could really beat myself up over this, but I will only allow myself a little slap in the face. Because beating myself up over a mistake only makes me feel worthless and a failure which then makes it easier to turn to food since I failed anyway and we start the cycle over again.
So here's my little slap:
The past 2 months have been so great! My head has been clearer, I have more energy and I feel in control of my life. I'm not going to throw that away for anymore cookie dough.
Thanks for reading this far if you made it. Tomorrow (or later today) is another day where I'll be faced with many more choices. I pray that I make the right ones.