Ultimate Goal

spark quotes

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Back to phase 1

Tomorrow starts my second round of 30 days. And it's spring break...who planned this? LOL I'm actually looking forward to starting again. I've stayed within my 3 lbs and only had to go back to phase 1 once in the past 2 1/2 weeks. I'll be gone on vacation, so I won't be posting for a week, but that's what is new here! :o) I haven't been to Curves as I've injured my knee and want it to heal and not do further damage. I should be back there after vacation. That's it from me. :o)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Phase 3 - Day 2

I made it!!!! 30 days of "dieting" and now I'm taking 19 days "off" for metabolic recovery and a break. LOL I lost a total of 12.6lbs and 1.1% of body fat. Now my goal for phase 3 is to maintain a weight range of 3lbs. Really not as confusing as I just made it sound. My low weight was 232.0. I now eat 2000-2500 calories a day. When/If my weight gets up to 235.0, I go back on to Phase 1 for 2-3 days until I get back to my low weight of 232.0. In this way, I will maintain my current weight and be ready to start 30 more days of "dieting" in a couple of weeks. This plan is very doable for me and I really like it. Of course I can already tell that I'm going to need to watch myself like a hawk or I'll be putting that 3lbs on pretty quickly. I'm trying not to view this as a free-for-all, just a relaxation of the rules. I'm shooting for 90% on track and healthy eating. When I'm home, it will be healthy and portioned, but if I go out, I'm splurging. :o) That should work out to 90%/10%. :o)Off to go clean the car out. YIPPEE!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Phase 2 - Day 19

Have you ever noticed that when you fix one part of your life, others fall into place? With my new found mental clarity, I decided that I needed to get serious about a household budget. After that was accomplished, I decided that I needed a chore list for myself. I've had one before, but without any energy, I never kept it up. Now I have enough energy during the day that I can't sit still and figured I should do something productive. I'm in the planning stages for the chores (ok, I have it figured out, but I still am inherently lazy) and will begin on Monday. I did clean my room tonight. HHT had a late meeting and won't be home until 8:30 so I took the time to clean the bedroom. Now I have soothing candles lit and calm music playing. It's very peaceful and I have a sense of accomplishment. Now I need to get the kiddos to bed. Oh and I was down to 233.2 this morning which is a total loss of 11.6 lbs since Feb. 8. Woohoo!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Phase 2 - Day 16

Did you know that if you cheat and eat some cornbread and chocolate and crackers, that you'll gain weight? Who knew? Ok, I did, but going 3 weeks without cheating is a new personal best for me, I think. And instead of letting my slip turn into a downslide, I'm back on track today. I've already worked out and had breakfast and will have a snack as soon as I'm done blogging. I'm excited about hitting my March 1st goal. I don't know if I posted my mini-goals until I reach my ultimate goal and I'm too lazy to go back and see if I did. If I have already posted it, sorry for the repeat, if not here it is. I want to reach my ultimate goal by 1/1/11...I have a thing for numbers and dates. I figured out how much I would need to lose each month to reach 150 by 1/1/11. It works out to 4.2lbs a month. SO DOABLE!!! Here's the breakdown so far:
date - goal - actual
2/8/09 - 244.6 - 244.6 (Start)
3/1/09 - 240.4 - 235.6

My wonderful HHT suggested changing my goals since I was so far ahead, but I've decided not to right now as I like the feeling of succeeding and having less pressure. At least right now, that's what I need.

Off to do the daily chores. :o)