Ultimate Goal

spark quotes

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

New Challenge

Yeppers, I signed on to a new challenge at Curves. It's called the Biggest Loser and you pay $3 to enter and after the challenge is over, the biggest loser receives all the money in the pot. So, while I may be happy where I am at, and am having a slight personal motivational crisis, I believe that this contest could not have been better timed for me to get back on track. See, I am fairly competitive, so for at least through November (I actually have it planned out through December, but we'll see where I'm at at the end of the competition) that competitive streak will be my motivation. Money here I come! LOL Anything to trick my mind into doing what I truly know deep down I should be doing. I'll keep you all posted on my progress! :o)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Still chugging along!

I was without phone/internet for a couple of days...HHT was thrilled because I got so much accomplished. LOL Anyway, still struggling with the lack of motivation, but I'm not letting it stop me cold. I'm slowly but surely making steps in the right direction. I'm focusing on one meal at a time and making the best choices for that meal. I figure if the healthy meals outweigh the not so healthy meals, I'm doing good. The weight may be slower to come off than if I was gung ho going after it, but I'm good with this for now. Someday, I'm pretty sure I'll wake up again and be dissatisfied with my progress and go gung ho for a while, but I'll approach it in the tortoise's way for now...slow and steady. Busy next couple of days. We're celebrating ET's birthday on Saturday with a full house. Should be lots of fun! I think I'm getting my haircut this afternoon. Looking forward to getting rid of the sheepdog look. The world may look different without hair getting in my face. :o) Until next time...drink lots of water!!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

I'm still going

HHT and I had a discussion yesterday about how we seem to still be on vacation as far as our eating habits have been. I told him that I think it's been harder for me to get going again because I'm happy where I'm at. I know I'm not to my goal, but with 50 lbs gone, more strength and stamina and the fact that I can eat some of the things I enjoy and maintain my current weight, I'm happy. This is my pre-pregnancy weight with ET and he's my 2nd out of 4 children. I haven't seen this weight in over 10 years. Part of my motivation was that I was disgusted with myself at where I was, but now that I'm happier, I'm having to find a new motivation. Because ultimately, I do want to reach my goal weight. I haven't been that small since high school...beginning of high school. LOL I will be the trophy wife for HHT, my kids won't have to listen to their friends tell them that their mommy is fat. I've decided the best way to do this is to remind myself of the things I want to do when I've reached my goals. I will be making a scrapbook of sorts with just thoughts, rewards, pics of clothes I want to buy, places I want to go...etc. I think that may help keep me focused on the bigger picture. It can't hurt to try! Everyone eat something healthy today and drink your water!!!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Am I going to make it?

Yes, eventually. I believe I've spent too much time enjoying the smaller me to reach my goal before the end of the year. And yesterday I finally was able to say no to temptation and nail the eating plan. This morning the scale reflected that, right? NO! It was a whopping 0.2lb loss shown. There is probably other factors for it and of course I won't use that as an excuse to not follow the eating plan. I know the longer I follow it, eventually the weight will come off. But still, you know? Wouldn't it be cool to just be able to wiggle your nose and be the size you want to be? Today is another day...and my immediate goal is to nail the plan today. I'll just make that my goal everyday. :o) I'm not giving up. I will do this!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Yes, I had every intention of updating you all yesterday, but come afternoon, I was busy making sure the kiddos were fed, bathed, did their chores and homework and tuck them in as HHT was unable to get home from his meeting until 9pm. And then...I know this will be a shock...I went to bed at 10! And slept!!!!! The workout went well. I paid extra attention to my form and still of course tried to push it, but not at the expense of my form. So I was yellow on some machines, but I still burned 551 calories which is in my top 10 numbers so I was feeling quite proud of myself. I focused on my eating as well and have realized that I'm going through withdrawal symptoms again...oh, well, they will pass soon enough. Wish I could update a little more, but I need to keep the kiddos moving and get dinner ready. :o)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Back to it tomorrow!

Ok, had a talk with HHT and at least for this week he'll be coming home for lunch on Tues. and Thurs. so I can go to Curves. I'm so excited to be going back tomorrow. I feel good and there is no more pain or stiffness in my back. I'll try to take it easy so I don't injure myself again...ok, I promise I'll at least really pay attention to my form so I will be less likely to injure myself again...it's that darn green light, I have this competitive need to make it green all the time. :o) I'll update you all tomorrow after I've finished my workout! WOOHOO!!!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Frustration level...HIGH!

Ok, I was going to write a whiney, excuse ridden post, but I just got done watching an infomercial for Core rhythms and had a realization.

I have been suffering with insomnia and I believe it is due to not working out for 2 weeks. My back is better with no pain and almost no stiffness, but I literally haven't found the time to go back in to Curves. Last school year, I realized that it was super stressful for me to work out after the kids came home from school. I felt rushed when I got home to get dinner on the table and make sure chores and homework was done ('cause we all know it isn't going to get done without supervision LOL). So HHT and I came up with a solution of him coming home for lunch on Tues. and Thurs. so I could go work out then. It was a great solution for my sanity! During the summer, I enjoyed working out whenever I wanted because of the kids being home. Now, the kids are back in school and HHT has a super high workload which prevents him from being able to commit to being home for lunch...sometimes even dinner. LOL I know for sanity's sake that I cannot go back to working out after school. I have been toying around with waking up early and being there at 5:45am and getting it done before the kiddos wake up and while HHT is still home. That may be what I end up doing as working out after dinner will also not work. So, anyway, I've been feeling sorry for myself, but after I watched the above mentioned infomercial, I realized that I have that workout DVD and several others to choose from. So even if on the odd day I can't make it in to Curves, I have no excuse not to work out. Heck, Curves even has a work out at home plan...so, DUH, what am I waiting for?

Here and now I'm letting you all know that I will be working out this afternoon during nap time for S. I need to get back on track so I can sleep again if nothing else.

And during this lapse in exercise, I haven't really gained any weight, just maintained. But I have noticed that I'm losing tone. While I may weigh the same, I look and feel bigger. Just goes to show that the scale truly is only one way to measure progress. I prefer the feeling-your-clothes-get-bigger method.

Ok, off to choose my workout!