Ultimate Goal

spark quotes

Friday, November 13, 2009

I've lost 60lbs!!!!

Wow, when it's said like that it seems like a lot. It's been such a gradual process that I've had a chance to get used to my body at the various stages of weight loss. So I don't really "see" much of a difference when I look at myself in the mirror. I'm going to dig out old photos of myself so I can compare and then I'll have a better idea visually of how far I've come. But there are definitely things I've noticed. I can sit in the car and drive without my belly rubbing on the steering wheel. I can wipe my bum with ease...I know a TMI moment I'm sure, but when you have difficulty doing it, it's a joy to be able to get-r-done without becoming a contortionist. :o) I was recently at an amusement park and could ride all the rides without fear I was going to be turned away for being too fat or fear that my weight would send the ride hurdling through space killing us all (yes, those thoughts have crossed my mind). I can touch my toes...heck I can even see them! And I know I'm stronger, just ask my poor hubby who I demonstrated my new found strength on. He's now calling me Pris (reference to Blade Runner so you'll just have to watch it to find out why.) In my defense, it was not his neck I was trying to break, it was his leg. And I wasn't really trying to break it although he claimed that I could have. LOL Anyway, there are a lot of little things I can pick out to see my progress. It's cool. And while I could have lost the weight faster I'm sure, I'm glad I have done (and continue to do) the slow and steady way. I believe for me it will be much easier to keep it off as I'm making lifestyle changes that have become habit.

I'm on day 6 of my 3rd 6 week cycle and am already only 1.8lbs from where I need to be by the end of 6 weeks. Piece of cake. Plan on being ahead of my goal again. I really feel like I can keep this up! It's a great feeling!

Friday, October 9, 2009

So excited!

For those who don't me, I'm a numbers kind of girl. I love looking for patterns in numbers and my love of numbers is also what prompted me to have 1/1/11 as a target to reach my goal. Numbers are just cool! Anyway, yesterday (or the day before, now I can't remember LOL) I sat down and charted out how many rounds of 6 weeks I could fit in before 1/1/11 so I could calculate what my goal weight should be at the end of each round to hit my goal by 1/1/11. I mean if you don't set mini goals, you can't achieve them, right? Well, wouldn't you know it, Round 12 ends on 1/1/11! How cool is that?!?! 12 rounds of 6 weeks each. That just doesn't sound like a lot and I'm already in round 2! Not only am I in round 2, but I still have about 4 weeks of this round to go and I already weigh less than my goal for the end of this round. Super sweet! It's always nice to have a head start! LOL So, now the trick is to not fall back into my old pattern of telling myself that I can have that extra food because I'll have time to still reach the mini-goal. I MUST stay on track and keep my momentum going.

That was a lot of rambling. But, it really helped me by bringing a happystance especially as I have been gloomy and feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope with anything (gracefully, anyway) for a couple of weeks (ask the kids. I think they're waiting for my head to spin or something). It's a typical occurrence that happens once or twice a year where I just get into a funk. But I can feel myself coming out of the fogginess which has been my mind lately. It's the feeling of noticing that the world outside of yourself does exist and not only is it there, but it's colorful and pretty, too, so you don't really have to hide from it or reality anymore. Have that feeling? Maybe it's just me. :o)

So, time to pull up my big girl panties and deal, I've got work to do! :o)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Phase 2 Day 4 Round 2 (P2D4R2)

Been a while since I've posted. I bet you all thought I'd fallen off the wagon again...not so! I completed the 1st 6 weeks with feeling better and totally thinking that I can keep this up! Round 2's phase 1 was not nearly as hard as round 1, but it was still difficult. I don't like feeling hungry! I'm into phase 2 now and have about 3 more weeks of it. I hope to lose another 4.2lbs by November 1st to be on track to my 150 goal on 1/1/11. I think I can do it!!! :o)

Monday, August 31, 2009

Phase 2 Day 9 Round 1 (P2D9R1)

Well, now I have swung completely the other way and have no desire for food at all. It's 1pm and I haven't eaten a thing, I'm not hungry and the idea of eating semi-repulses me. I'm not sleeping, either. Now, I know this isn't healthy and I'll just have to kick myself in the butt and force myself to eat. Sleep on the other hand, I just can't seem to make myself do that. I'm not taking naps (in truth, I'm not even feeling sleepy during the day...or night) hoping that will help, but it hasn't yet. I'm starting to feel physically tired, but my brain will NOT stop thinking and doesn't seem to be close to getting tired. Very annoying. Anyhow, I'm thinking that when the kids go back to school and I get into more of a routine with that, maybe things will be better. Hope so. I wish I could just put my finger on what is wrong. I'm not depressed, don't feel trapped as I sometimes do, I just don't feel right. Oh well, this too shall pass and I'm sure I'll learn something from it. Off to force some lunch down!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Still thanking God for illness...

So I get over my head cold, feel good for one day and then wham...intestinal bug. Talk about being able to refrain from over indulging in the food department. LOL I ate what I was supposed to and that is it! I'm feeling a little better today, not quite so much pain. So plan on catching up on a little housework. I'm not going to workout today except to maybe take a walk later depending on how the digestive system is feeling. But I will stick to the eating plan. Hopefully fully recovered by tomorrow as poor hubby is having a tooth pulled and it's his turn to be babied!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Thanking God for illness

I feel like BLAH!! I have a head cold and missed my workout yesterday as the world was spinning pretty good. But to be a true optimist I have found the bright side.

1. It's a lot easier to follow an eating plan when you can't really taste the food. I've had no problem! And I've had no problem drinking my water as the decongestant makes me thirsty.

2. I am sick on a weekend! My wonderful hubby has been taking such great care of me by grocery shopping, entertaining the kids, and letting me just play on the computer, watch movies, read and do whatever else helps me feel better. He rocks!

God knows what He's doing. I was still struggling with the eating plan, getting over the withdrawal hump, constantly craving food. Because of the last couple of days being sick, the cravings are gone and I'll be able to focus on the next 23 days of my eating cycle a lot easier.

Well, off to eat some lunch. Sorry if this is rambling, but the world is still spinning a little and I'm just generally a little loopy. :o) Hope to feel better tomorrow!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Learning to appreciate accomplishments

In case you haven't noticed I've been gone a while. I didn't fall off of the wagon, I jumped! I "hated" working out and was tired of the whole kit and kaboodle. I was discouraged with my progress and had convinced myself that any results I may have seen were not equaling the amount of work I was putting into this.

Now, after some time off, I've slowly climbed back up on the wagon to take off on my journey again. Some things I noticed...I only gained 5lbs. Well, not bad, you may think and it's true...that's not bad. But the amount of inches I have put on has me kicking myself. And I have come to a realization...don't take your accomplishments for granted.

I didn't realize until I had put the fat back on, just how much I had lost in my belly area, hip area, thighs, etc. I became focused on where I was (at that moment…still so far from my goal) and not on where I came from. I came from being 282 lbs, so overweight my belly rubbed against the steering wheel when I drove, so out of breath I couldn’t hike, play or dance. Where I was at (when I jumped off the wagon) was 40+ lbs lighter, able to drive unimpeded, and able to hike, play and dance. Unfortunately my little side excursion has set me back a little, but I’ve learned some valuable lessons…ones that will only help make me stronger and give me more tools to make it all the way.

I’ve learned that every single step made toward your goal, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, is still a step forward, not backwards. I need to focus more on what I have already accomplished rather than what I still need to accomplish. I guess it’s a little like walking forward while looking backward. LOL Usually not a recipe for success, but for me, where I am right now on my journey, it’s what I need to do.

While I feel like I don’t really deserve to be offering any sage advice, I highly recommend moving forward not backwards to reach your goals. Make one small change in your life that pushes you in the right direction. But don’t forget to look back and appreciate just how far you’ve come.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Round 3 - Phase 1 - Day 2

I did well yesterday. Had some minimal withdrawals. But kept busy with HHT. Ate at Taco Bell and had the fresco steak burrito supreme w/ a side of guacamole. Tasty and 400 calories. :o) Woke up today and was 2.2lbs lighter than yesterday. Happy morning. :o) So goals for today is to just stick to it. We're going out of town for Memorial Day weekend and I've already loked up nutritional info for the restaurants we'll be eating in and figured out what I can eat. I think if I stay prepared, it will be easier for me to stick to it while on vacation. :o)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Phase 3 - 1st week

Life is good...I'm in the middle of decluttering, which is definitely NOT my favorite thing. Heck, I dislike any housework. LOL But, one thing led to another, which led to another, which led to me being banned from ever using a screwdriver again, but that's another story. :o) I organized the closet/medicine cabinet yesterday and today it's my computer armoire which explains why I'm blogging...procrastination is my friend. :o) Last week it was the kitchen and the laundry area in the living room. Next week (or later this week if I get my room done) I'll work on the rest of the living room. HHT actually asked me if I was crazy yesterday, but, no I'm not, at least not any more than usual. Once the decluttering bug bites me (which doesn't happen often mind you) I just keep going until I wear out or everything is decluttered...whichever comes first. Anyway, I'm maintaining quite nicely and enjoying eating what I really want. I had a great workout Saturday. I'd been struggling to get my numbers back up at Curves after my knee had healed, but Saturday, I had no residual (for those who are not Curves Smart members, no residual is a good thing!) and I burned 100 calories more than I had on Thursday. Hopefully I can do the same today when I go in. Ok, better get back to work.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Round 2 overview

Ok, I've been missing in action! I'm almost done with round 2 and it was pretty much a bust. I am down a teeny tiny bit in the weight department and still on target for my ultimate goal, but I could have done so much better. I have learned a few things, so I suppose as long as I'm continuing to head in the right direction and take what I learn from mistakes it's all good. :o) What I learned is that even if I know what I should and should not eat while in my 30 days, I still need to keep track and write it all down. It's too easy to slip in extra calories if I'm not keeping track. So, round 3 I will be keeping track again. I also want to revamp my food choices a bit for round 3...less processed food for snacks, and more veggies, fruit, yogurt, etc. While they have the same caloric content, I want to push it to the next level by making my calorie choices a little more healthy. I also need to blog. While I still make mistakes, I have found that I make less mistakes when I'm blogging about my days. :o) Lessons learned and I'm still in phase 2 until next Tuesday. Round 3 begins on May 17th!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Back to phase 1

Tomorrow starts my second round of 30 days. And it's spring break...who planned this? LOL I'm actually looking forward to starting again. I've stayed within my 3 lbs and only had to go back to phase 1 once in the past 2 1/2 weeks. I'll be gone on vacation, so I won't be posting for a week, but that's what is new here! :o) I haven't been to Curves as I've injured my knee and want it to heal and not do further damage. I should be back there after vacation. That's it from me. :o)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Phase 3 - Day 2

I made it!!!! 30 days of "dieting" and now I'm taking 19 days "off" for metabolic recovery and a break. LOL I lost a total of 12.6lbs and 1.1% of body fat. Now my goal for phase 3 is to maintain a weight range of 3lbs. Really not as confusing as I just made it sound. My low weight was 232.0. I now eat 2000-2500 calories a day. When/If my weight gets up to 235.0, I go back on to Phase 1 for 2-3 days until I get back to my low weight of 232.0. In this way, I will maintain my current weight and be ready to start 30 more days of "dieting" in a couple of weeks. This plan is very doable for me and I really like it. Of course I can already tell that I'm going to need to watch myself like a hawk or I'll be putting that 3lbs on pretty quickly. I'm trying not to view this as a free-for-all, just a relaxation of the rules. I'm shooting for 90% on track and healthy eating. When I'm home, it will be healthy and portioned, but if I go out, I'm splurging. :o) That should work out to 90%/10%. :o)Off to go clean the car out. YIPPEE!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Phase 2 - Day 19

Have you ever noticed that when you fix one part of your life, others fall into place? With my new found mental clarity, I decided that I needed to get serious about a household budget. After that was accomplished, I decided that I needed a chore list for myself. I've had one before, but without any energy, I never kept it up. Now I have enough energy during the day that I can't sit still and figured I should do something productive. I'm in the planning stages for the chores (ok, I have it figured out, but I still am inherently lazy) and will begin on Monday. I did clean my room tonight. HHT had a late meeting and won't be home until 8:30 so I took the time to clean the bedroom. Now I have soothing candles lit and calm music playing. It's very peaceful and I have a sense of accomplishment. Now I need to get the kiddos to bed. Oh and I was down to 233.2 this morning which is a total loss of 11.6 lbs since Feb. 8. Woohoo!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Phase 2 - Day 16

Did you know that if you cheat and eat some cornbread and chocolate and crackers, that you'll gain weight? Who knew? Ok, I did, but going 3 weeks without cheating is a new personal best for me, I think. And instead of letting my slip turn into a downslide, I'm back on track today. I've already worked out and had breakfast and will have a snack as soon as I'm done blogging. I'm excited about hitting my March 1st goal. I don't know if I posted my mini-goals until I reach my ultimate goal and I'm too lazy to go back and see if I did. If I have already posted it, sorry for the repeat, if not here it is. I want to reach my ultimate goal by 1/1/11...I have a thing for numbers and dates. I figured out how much I would need to lose each month to reach 150 by 1/1/11. It works out to 4.2lbs a month. SO DOABLE!!! Here's the breakdown so far:
date - goal - actual
2/8/09 - 244.6 - 244.6 (Start)
3/1/09 - 240.4 - 235.6

My wonderful HHT suggested changing my goals since I was so far ahead, but I've decided not to right now as I like the feeling of succeeding and having less pressure. At least right now, that's what I need.

Off to do the daily chores. :o)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Phase 2 - Day 12

Wohoo! After only 19 days, I've lost 9.8 lbs which pretty much takes care of the 10lbs I had gained through December and January. Gee, if I'd known that it would take such a short amount of time, I should have started earlier. And the true kicker that I'm choosing not to focus on, but it did cross my mind, is that if I hadn't gained back the 10 lbs to begin with, I'd be even closer to my goal. Oh well, I wasn't losing it in the healthiest way toward the end of last year anyway. I feel better equipped now to continue on and go all the way. Yesterday I ate out at both lunch and dinner. I didn't choose the healthiest of foods, but I did choose based on caloric content. I've noticed in a big way that when you choose the healthier foods, you can have a lot more food than when you choose the not so healthy foods. I was concerned that I'd get the munchies because it wasn't a lot of food, but I was kept too busy running errands, etc. to get the munchies. Today, I've already worked out, so I'm going to get some other things done, like clean out the fridge so there's room for all that healthy food! :o) I've noticed that I'm actually spending less by eating healthy. I always hear reports that people don't choose to buy the healthy food because it's so much more expensive. For the last 2 weeks, I've been $50 under budget each week. I've decided that, yes, the healthy food is more expensive, but if you make a menu and a list and everyone is eating the proper portions of the food, you're not buying as much food and in the end spend less. Hope that made sense. :o) Ok, I'm done chitter-chatting (as my 7yo says). Until tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Phase 2 - Day 11

Wow, time can sure fly by! Ok, I really need to make a concerted effort to keep this updated. A new goal for myself. :o) About halfway through phase 2. I'm still sticking to it with no cheating and for the most part no cravings and I no longer feel ravenously hungry. I really like Curves improved eating plan as I can be as lazy or creative as I want. Easiest: I choose a meal that's already in the menus in the book. Easier: I choose exchanges from the list for that meal. Easy: I choose my own foods according to the carb/cal/pro/fat amounts and try to stay as close as possible. It's all very easy cheesy and once you figure out a meal and write it down, it's there to use later. I've been weighed and measured weekly and have gone up a tad in my waist and abs which we believe is due to bloating since I've lost weight. We'll see if it goes back down next week and if not, I may add some more ab work. On the other hand in 2 weeks, I've lost 0.9% body fat. Yippee!!! Better get the kiddos out the door.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Phase 2 - Day 5

Oopsie! My SIL reminded me that I haven't been blogging. So here's today report. I've been good. I went out to eat for lunch and researched before deciding where to eat. I cannot say enough kudos about Red Robin...their website allows you to customize a meal and find out the nutritional info of your choices. I ended up having a garden burger w/american cheese on a lettuce bun with a side of apple slices for a total of 387 calories! Yippee!!! Eat at Red Robin!!!! :o) Off to visit and then to bed!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Phase 2 - Day 2

Mellow day. I worked out in the morning and then in the afternoon had a 90 minute massage. The rest of the day was spent working on puzzles. I did miss one snack in there. Other than that, right on track. :o) Until tomorrow!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Phase 2 - Day 1

Today was a lazy day. The kiddos and I played the "new" games and started a couple of puzzles. They watched some movies and went to the park. I took B to get her hair done and she decided after learning the price (since she was buying) to also have her hair colored. She decided on high and low-lights and they look great! She's growing up so fast!!!! In a month she'll be 13, I still think I'm too young to have a teenager...right? :o) Stuck to the plan, almost didn't drink enough water, but managed to make it! Bonus for today was that my splurges last night didn't cost me anything on the scale today. I was exactly the same as yesterday. :o) Until tomorrow!

Phase 1 - Day 7

I'm posting this a day late...sorry! My last day of phase 1 consisted of working out, then coming home and trying to decide what to wear out with HHT. In this process, I realized that I'd want to do my hair and then I realized that my bangs were resembling a sheepdog and at that moment, I decided to get a haircut. I had time after all. When I walked in there was really no one in line and it was a color sale month, so what the heck, let's get it colored. I really like it, but it was shocking (and still is whenever I pass by a mirror). I feel like I must have had a Marilyn Monroe moment...it's platinum, baby! HHT LOVED it! He said he felt like he was out with another woman. I won't think about that too much and just enjoy the fact that "I" was the other woman. LOL We saw Slumdog Millionaire, which was a touching, heartfelt movie. We both really enjoyed it. Then he took my to a Thai place called Tigers Garden in downtown Vanc. We ordered the appetizer sampler and I tried tofu (not really my thing) and had one each of an egg roll, wonton, and chicken satay. That was my splurge and after perusing the menu, I decided on the Garlic Shrimp w/steamed veggies. After we finished, we went to Goodwill (all dressed up, it was fun!) and picked up some new puzzles and board games to play with the kids the next day. We were then going to a nice hotel bar, but it was packed and he told me that he had purchased some sugar-free drink mixes earlier, so I suggested we go back home, tell B that she was still babysitting and not let the other 3 know we were home. Note to self: this plan is only good in theory. Kids have a parent radar that is near-impossible to fly under. Anyway, we did sit in our room and play a new game while enjoying a sugar-free mixed beverage. After tucking the kiddos in, we overtook the movie room and watched A Private Function which was an 80s Brit-Com. That was our evening. It was fun and I was really proud that I indulged moderately and made good choices!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Phase 1 - Day 6

Tonight was a tough one for me. Not too tough, but I really had to fight the justification voice shouting at me in my head. For those who are unaware, we have a potluck dinner at our house every Friday night before church. Anyway, lots of yummy food, but I stuck to the plan and only ate what was allowed. I didn't even take a small bite of a Krispy Kreme doughnut. Heck, I didn't even take a bite of fruit as it wasn't on the menu for me (but don't think Little Miss Justification (LMJ) was quiet about that one...she has reasons galore for why we could justify eating fruit LOL)! I cut it up and put it away and I'll be able to enjoy some tomorrow when I've alotted for it. Speaking of tomorrow...my last day on Phase 1 (well, this round anyway)! Yep, it is also Valentine's Day. Fortunately, my HHT is super supportive and has looked over the menu of wherever he's taking me and believes appropriate food can be chosen. LMJ was screaming that we've been so good, haven't budged from the plan at all, we deserve a night off. Now, she's not completely wrong, but as with most justifications, she's not completely right, either. Not knowing where we're going and not being able to do extensive nutritional research on the restaurant, I'm pretty sure I may go over on calories tomorrow, but I don't have to blow it. I will definitely go with veggies and salads instead of fries or mashed potatoes. I will portion my meat. I will make good choices and allow myself the freedom to do so without worrying if I'm going over my calorie limit. Now, I'm off to get my beauty sleep! :o) Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Phase 1 - Day 5

Still going strong! I am amazed at how much better one can feel with just healthy eating. Even though my calories are pretty restricted this week, I'm able to function even better than I have for the last couple months, well, once I got over the hump that is. Even my workout this morning was different. I usually need to eat something before or I feel like I will pass out by the end, but today I kept going strong even though I hadn't eaten anything. It could be that I worked out earlier than usual, too. Anywhoo, I really need to get some laundry folded as we're having church here again tomorrow after 3 weeks off due to vacation and illness. It's amazing how messy a room can get if you don't stay on top of it. :o)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Phase 1 - Day 4

WooHoo! Over half way done with phase 1! It was even easier today as I was a lot less hungry feeling. HHT came home and spent some time with S and me during lunch (he had a late meeting tonight, and he's so wonderful that he will come home for a while during the day if he can on those late meeting nights, and I could probably write another whole blog on the wonderful merits of my HHT, so you get the picture...I'm pretty much hopelessly in love...anyway, back to the story)and we went for a mile walk, which wore out S and HHT and I were able to actually have a conversation with no interruptions (those with kids know that this is a rare treat LOL). Now that I'm through withdrawals and my brain is functioning at a greater capacity, I revamped the chore chart which wasn't working for us and came up with something a little different. Today was it's 1st run through and so far so good. I'm sitting here typing and the kids' bedrooms are clean, the toy room is clean and the kitchen is clean. A huge improvement and it makes my life a little less chaotic. Now I can move onto the living room! Tomorrow's plan is to workout 1st thing in the morning. YUCK! Not the working out, just the early morning. But, I suppose I should just get it over with and get on with the day. :o) Until tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Phase 1 - Day 3

A little better today. Still hungry, but much more tolerable. I weighed and measured this morning and during the 30 days of the plan, I will be weighing and measuring every week. It wasn't pretty as I had gained some from the last time I weighed and measured in November, but I am still down from where I was a year ago, so like I said it was 2 steps forward and one step back. I haven't failed if I don't give up. :o) Ok, I'm off to bed as I had a chiropractic appointment today and my muscles are a little stiff in rebellion. I am able to sleep in tomorrow due to a late start so I am going to bed and read for a while. Until tomorrow!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Phase 1 - Day 1 & 2

Yep, I was supposed to post yesterday, but I chose to spend some quality time with HHT. I stuck to it, it helped to have my menu for the day pre-planned. Curves' new book is super easy to follow, so while I'm struggling with only 1200 calories a day, it's only for 7 days and there is really no brain needed so, yeah. Anyway, I'm really sleepy, and have gone to the bathroom enough for I think 10 people. But, 2 days down and only 5 to go. This plan is so easy, that I was even able to eat out for dinner tonight. I don't feel deprived as the meals I'm eating are quite tasty, but I do feel HUNGRY!!!! Watch out for the hungry blonde! Did I mention that I'm tired? I'm re-reading this and noticing that I'm barely coherent, so I'm going to cut this short and get the kiddos to bed so that I, too, can get to bed. Summary: 2 days of sticking to phase 1 with no cheating. Go me!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

New Year, New Goals...

Ok, time to re-evaluate. I had a great time with HHT on our week vacation which took place exactly 1 year from last year's vacation/start of my 80 in 08 journey. I took the time to take stock of what did and didn't work. I went gungho at the beginning and then tapered off at the end. I'm hoping to make this year more of an endurance race rather than a sprint. So, I have put on some weight, but I'm most definitely not back to where I began. I'm looking at it as a 2 step forward, 1 step back kind of thing. I'm excited about the new nutrition class beginning at Curves. It's basically the same food plan I was following last year except that you only "diet" for 30 days and then take a 2-4 week break and start up again for another 30 days. I think it will be slower progress, but at this point I'll take any progress! :o) I realized that I've spent a year harping on the fact that the number on the scale is just a number and then went and based my reward system on that number. Duh, talk about setting myself up! Anywho, that was another part of my new goals for this year.

New goal recap:

Beginning on Sunday Feb. 8th will be 7 days of phase 1 followed by 23 days of phase 2.
I will walk or do some other form of aerobic exercise 6 days a week and continue to go to Curves 3 days a week.
I will begin blogging on a more consistent basis again (I know you all have missed me! LOL).
My reward system is as follows:
1 point each for breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 snacks.
1 point for 64oz of water drank
1 point for exercise.
7 points a day possible.
Every 10 points is $1 earned for me to do with as I want (I have my eye on a ring I want) Bonus points awarded for weight loss and for having a perfect week.

That's it! Unless something spectacular happens between now and Sunday, you can expect to hear from me then!