Ultimate Goal

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Monday, August 31, 2009

Phase 2 Day 9 Round 1 (P2D9R1)

Well, now I have swung completely the other way and have no desire for food at all. It's 1pm and I haven't eaten a thing, I'm not hungry and the idea of eating semi-repulses me. I'm not sleeping, either. Now, I know this isn't healthy and I'll just have to kick myself in the butt and force myself to eat. Sleep on the other hand, I just can't seem to make myself do that. I'm not taking naps (in truth, I'm not even feeling sleepy during the day...or night) hoping that will help, but it hasn't yet. I'm starting to feel physically tired, but my brain will NOT stop thinking and doesn't seem to be close to getting tired. Very annoying. Anyhow, I'm thinking that when the kids go back to school and I get into more of a routine with that, maybe things will be better. Hope so. I wish I could just put my finger on what is wrong. I'm not depressed, don't feel trapped as I sometimes do, I just don't feel right. Oh well, this too shall pass and I'm sure I'll learn something from it. Off to force some lunch down!

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