Ultimate Goal

spark quotes

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Man, wouldn't it be nice!

Wouldn't it be nice to be that kind of person who once they've made their mind up nothing stops them. Those kind of people that can quit cold turkey and never look back. Alas, I am not one of those people. And as I sit here feeling queasy from eating too much I thought I'd stop by my own blog and see what's up.

I've said it before (it's starting to feel like a million times before), but I haven't given up. I never will give up completely. I'm not very good at this losing weight thing. It's the resisting food temptation that has me locked in. Food is my idol. Sad, but true. Need to work at it and I'll keep working at it until I get it. It's still a bummer. I look back and I could have totally been at my goal a few times had I just stayed on track. And it's depressing to realize that. I guess I should quit looking back. I might run into something that would hurt!

Tomorrow is a new day and a new 6 week round. I do solemnly promise that I will one day make it. I will one day reach my goal! You all are now witnesses to this promise!

New this time around is an accountability partner in the form of hubby. As an added bonus, he's going to do Zumba with me twice a week. Ain't he a keeper!

I have the tools, I know how to use them, now it's just getting out there and doing it! Pray for me. Pray hard and if you have any encouraging or motivational words/stories, advice, etc., I'd love to hear it!!!!