Ultimate Goal

spark quotes

Friday, July 25, 2008

I'm done...

doing whatever it is I'm doing to sabotage myself. Of course to quit doing it I have to figure out what it is. I think I have. Now, I don't want this to sound like I'm beating myself up, because I think that negative self-talk just doesn't get us anywhere, but I've realized that that is my problem. I'm not being hard enough on myself. I believe you can be hard on yourself without being negative. You can encourage yourself to be the best you can be without talking bad about yourself. I've lost almost 50 lbs. I've been hearing compliments on how good I look. I've worked very hard to get here. But I've let all that go to my head and lately I've been using it as a justification for not following my eating plan ("You've worked so hard, eating late one time won't matter." "You've lost almost 50lbs, indulging one time won't make a difference.") The problem is that the one time makes it easier to turn it into one more time, etc. until I'm right back into my old habits. I need to learn to find the balance between congratulating myself for a job well done, and realizing that the job isn't over yet. Now, don't get me wrong...keep the compliments coming...I'm just going to try to remember that the journey isn't over yet and I shouldn't slow down before the finish line.

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