Ultimate Goal

spark quotes

Thursday, July 31, 2008

July 31, 2008

Woohoo! I'm cruising now!! It's amazing what happens when you follow your eating plan! LOL But in a way I'm glad that I plateaued for a while because it showed me that the maintenance portion of this plan does indeed work. In the entire time I was maintaining, I never gained more than 5 lbs from my lowest weight. So, that means that one day I WILL be able to eat without watching so closely, just still need to remember not to do it yet. :o) I have struggled the last couple of days with wanting to eat late, but the progress I've made so far has allowed me to more easily resist the temptation. I really want to hit my goal and I only have 31.6lbs to go! I CAN DO IT!!! :o) Then it will be on to the final push to reach my ultimate goal.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Woo hoo! That's awesome girl! I am so proud of you! :)