Ultimate Goal

spark quotes

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Day 24 - down 11.6lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart
You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 265.2lbs
Gain/loss: -11.6lbs

It was a rough morning. I have a sick toddler who is running a very high fever and consequently really just wants to be cuddled. So after 2 1/2 hours this morning, the medicine finally kicked in enough to bring her temp down to where she released me temporarily. It was time for my morning snack and I hadn't even eaten breakfast yet! The little "D" voice in my head kept saying, "You have those snickers peanut bars left on the fridge. As long as you cut one in half and count the carbs, you can have one." The little "A" voice in my head was being drowned out. I get the bars down, get the knife out, cut the smallest bar in half and know that that tiny bite of bar will be at least 10+ carbs when the little "A" voice finally speaks up louder and says, "That's it? All those carbs for that little bite of food which won't fill you up, has no nutritional value, and will leave you just craving more and fighting the little "D" voice all day? Is it worth it?" And I decided that it wasn't and just threw the whole plate away in the garbage so that Little "D" won't have them to use as bargaining chips. Now, I'm not saying that having a small helping of any dessert is wrong. I truly believe that all foods in MODERATION are ok. I don't believe in denying yourself any food as that just typically results in a binge. However, for me, at that moment in time, I realized I didn't really want that food. I was reaching for something to help with my feelings of tiredness and sadness and helplessness from my toddler being sick without much I can do about it. I was reaching for a "drug" to help me get through the day and I believe, this is the first time I've ever realized I wanted something to help deal with an emotion and I chose to deal with it in a healthier way, by coming on and blogging about it. It's a great sense of empowerment! :o)

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. seeing the lunar eclipse
2. a supportive Curves
3. fitting into a 2x and not have it be tight
4. a great HHT - he rocks!!!
5. sleep

5 things I did right:
1. ate right at the meals I ate
2. worked out
3. made dinner
4. didn't succumb to temptation
5. held the baby :o)

Food Intake:

Morning Snack:
1oz cheddar cheese
1 slice bread - 11 carb

tuna fish
1 slice bread - 11 carb
1 pepsi one

Afternoon snack:
1oz peanuts - 5 carb

beef roast
2 TBSP ranch dressing - 2 carb
Evening snack:
1oz cheddar cheese

29 carb

Did I move any today?
yes - Curves circuit

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