Ultimate Goal

spark quotes

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Day 44 - down 18lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart

You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 258.8lbs
Gain/loss: -18.0lbs

I bought a jump rope today and tried it out. I'm joining an online challenge starting on Friday. I'm already sore, so I know it will be a good exercise for me. I used to do it for hours on end and did fancy tricks, now I can barely make it a minute at a time. :o) My arm is sore. I have a subaceous cyst in my underarm and at times it grows and feels like a pinched nerve. When I went to have it removed last year, it just disappeared. So now I'll have to make another appointment. Or hope it disappears again. LOL

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. reading Lord of the Rings with B
2. my HHT coming home early
3. my new jump rope
4. new logic problems books
5. comfy shoes

5 things I did right:
1. blogged
2. ate right
3. drank my water
4. wore my shoes
5. started laundry

Food Intake:

1/2 cup blackberries - 8 carb
1/2 cup 2% milk - 6.5 carb

Morning Snack:
1oz teriyaki turkey jerky cubes - 4 carb

1 pork chop
1 slice bread - 11 carb
1oz cheddar
salad w/cucumber
2 tbsp litehouse ranch - 2 carb

Afternoon snack:
1oz bbq planters peanuts - 3 carb

1 chicken thigh
salad w/cucumbers
2 tbsp lite house ranch - 2 carb
3 bites mac n cheese - 5 carb

Evening snack:

41.5 carb

Did I move any today?

no, just about 2 minutes of jumping rope

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