Ultimate Goal

spark quotes

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Day 53 - down 22.8lbs

Body Clutter Investigator
Daily Chart

You can find this chart and other useful info at: http://www.flylady.net/pages/body_clutter_main.asp

Starting weight: 276.8lbs
Today’s Scale Reading: 254.0lbs
Gain/loss: -22.8lbs

I just didn't feel like doing anything today. I feel a little like I'm starting to lose my resolve to continue this, but at the same time, I keep telling myself that I've lost so much (I've never lost more than 20lbs in all my life!) and it's probably just my TOM talking. So we plow through and continue. I'm looking forward to the nutrition class my Curves will be offering starting in April called the 6 week solution. I'm sure it's just an updated version of the "plan" I'm following, but it will be nice to have the added support and I'm sure I'll learn new things that will help on the journey.

5 things I’m grateful for:
1. My HHT - whose willing to stop and pick up dinner on an "off" day
2. LOST - anyone else lost? But it's still a fun ride!
3. HHT coming home for lunch
4. games
5. my arm almost done being treated

5 things I did right:
1. blogged
2. drank my water
3. continued work on the chore "game"
4. read LOTR to B
5. tracked my food

Food Intake:

1 egg - 1 carb
1 slice bread - 11 carb

Morning Snack:

2 low carb tortillas - 8 carb
1oz cheddar
3 bites homemade mac n cheese - 5 carb

Afternoon snack:

2 KFC original recipe thighs - 16 carb
1/2 individual coleslaw - 11 carb
1/2 biscuit - 12 carb

Evening snack:

64 carb

Did I move any today?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can do it! You can do it! Don't give up! You've done awesome so far! :)